stolen from lovely lady hillary....

Mar 21, 2004 22:48

I'm quite bored while waiting for tomorrow, because I'm all loser-ish like that.  Haha.  My best friend is sooooo much better than yours, I just thought I'd tell you that.  But on a lighter note...bordem has overcome this

Name: april elizabeth "last names are for losers"
Sex: female
Age: 15 and 360 days old...or something like birthday is so, end of story.
Siblings: Younger brother I cal Justin....he'll never get the women with his terrible pick-up lines.
Status: Living.  Wait...single...not cool anymore.  Sigh.  Whatever.
Pets: 3 dogs....and a cat I never see...
Height: 5'6"-5'7" ish
Hair Color: Brownish-redish-uglish
Eye Color: As the french man says...les yeux ont bleu.....or something.


Nervous Habits: I go "awwwwe" and I fiddle my hands....and I fake laugh when people say something thats supposed to be funny but isn't.
Do you bite your nails?: Negatory batman!
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: Not really.
Can you blow smoke rings?: Haha, I'm talentless.
Can you blow spit bubbles?:
Can you flare your nostrils?: I totally cannot flare my nostrils, I couldn't if I had to.  Someone teach me.
Can you cross your eyes?: Oui Oui.
Tattoos?: Negative.
Piercing?: my ears...whatever they may be in french but I never wear les earrings.
Do you make your bed daily?: I never make my bed, and that is that.

What goes on first, underwear or socks?: haha undies.
Which shoe goes on first?: I think right.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: Basically just my watch and a necklace...
What's sexiest on a guy?: a speedo, maybe if I were an 80 year old drunk. hahah thats sexy on a guy....poor boy. Hahaha.  I was joking, thats not hot.  But you are.
What's sexiest on a girl?: Shoe size, seriously.  Just kidding.
Favorite Piece of Clothing?: err I have this skirt that I like I guess, I don't know, I like clothes alot.

Have you ever eaten Spam?: Hahah ham in a can is definately a no non just like cheese in a can ;) haha.
Favorite Ice Cream? Bobsled Brownie, thats right, say it again, Bobsled Brownie.
How many cereals in your cabinet?: 3, 2 maybe 7
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: Never, just my fingers.

How often do you brush your teeth?: On a bad day....two times.  But I always brush my teeth so we're talking like 4-5 maybe 6 times haha I like to.
How often do you shower/bathe?: Atleast once a day.
How long does your shower last?: Depends on what day it is, and how much time I have.
Hair drying method?: Blow dry my bangs with this dealy thing, then flip my head over blow dry the rest a bit more with a normal hair dryer and voila, les chevuex de avril, c'est shittay.
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: Hahaha waaay to many times.  In 50 year my hair is going to be the ass of asshole.


If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it?: Hahah probably so I could make my hair healthy again hha.
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. overweight?:Eww definately overweight...the words genital and herpes are scary ahhhh.  Guess what, the OC is back in 2 days.
If you inherited a million dollars, what's the first thing you'd buy?: My own apartment downtown.  And I'd quit mother fucking school.
Do you swear?: To much, I hate it, it makes me feel gross and dirty but I still do it.
Do you ever spit?: Ugh.  Nooo.

Animal: This question is so grade 2
Food: Fellini's pizza hah.
Month: None...all.
Day: Saturday....and I guess March 21st this year works to ahh.  I want to play the bongo drums in a sassy jazz lounge.
Cartoon: Oh goodness, I got sucked into Family Guy.
Flower: Darrrrrk red roses.
Shoe Brand: I have this fetish for Etnies and Gravis, I don;t know why.
Subject in school: I hate school.
Color: tickle me pink haha.  Not.
TV show: The OC.
Movie: Waaay to many.
Holiday: Christmas because I am a greedy asshole...just kidding...summer is my holiday ok.
Favorite Book: Hrm.  I forget.
The Vacationing Spot:  This year it wasn't Daytona Beach....I"ll say the Bahamas.
TV Station: ok...sunday night mtv....the american one not the shitty canadian once...and whatever I like tv.

The CD Player: Ryan Adams- Rock n' Roll, Burned Dashboard, Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Fever to Tell, Burned eighteen visions and that is that....thank cheese haters for a 5 disc.  Although I only have 4 in it.
Person you talk most on the phone with: Ayrlea...always has been/  But this week we'll have a really close tie with Ayrlea/Dan/Chris.  Ohhhh.  Who will win, stay tuned next week.
Ever taken a cab?:  HAhaha what the hell, yes.  Today as a matter of fact.
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: Only when my hair looks bad so I can pick at it like a monkey.

What color is your bedroom?: Well, we have gross light yellow, vibrant pink, and some ugly wallpaper I need to change badly.
Do you use an alarm clock?:  Yes, and it makes the most ungodly sound possible.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: You baby toe, haha.  Hating cheese.
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?:
Ever sunbathed nude?: Hahah no, do you want me to?  Ew just kidding.
Window seat or aisle?: Well my brother always takes the window seat on aisle.

What's your sleeping position?: On my side, all cuffufled up in my pillows
What kind of bed do you like?: A big bed...king size.
Do you snore?: I don't one has ever said I snore, Except one time Ayrlea told me I snored but I was passed out on a wooden floor I think. Guys I wasn't drinking that time....
Do you sleepwalk?: Jesus no.
Do you talk in your sleep?: I don't think so.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Nah.

Coke or Pepsi?: Coke...but Pepsi with Melanie ha.
Apples or Oranges?: Apples.
One pillow or two?: 6 and a body pillow.
Deaf or blind?: None. 
Pools or hot tubs?: Depends on the season you irish freak.
Blondes or brunettes?: Wait...are we talking about personal haircolour>  Brunette.
Tall or short?: Tall. and Short.  To be fair.
TV or radio?: TV.
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: Cerrrrts.
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: Snooze times an hour and a half
Sunrise or Sunset?: the sunrises to early
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: Cheese is for skids.
Morning or night?: Night.
Indoors or outdoors?: Depends on the weather my fair man.
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Christmas Day  (Hillary this thing is sooooo long)
Cake or ice cream?: Ice Cream Cake.
Bert or Ernie?: Bert.
Spicy or Mild?: Mild, I'm not so spicey.
Spearmint or Peppermint?: Spearmint
Call or Write? OMG HILLARY I AM THE EXACT SAME WAY! Hahah.  When I have to call someone I get sooooo shy haha and then I never call.
Peanut Butter or Jelly?: Jelly.  Grape Jelly.  Grape Homemade Jelly
Dog or Cat?: le Chien.
Bath or shower?: Shower.
Book or Movie?: Movie....I don't have enough patience for books
Green or Red apples?: Red.
Rain or Snow?: Snow.  Yes.

Ok thank the cheese haters I'm done.  I regret starting that.
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