Photo Post!

Dec 01, 2004 01:29

Well, I decided to scan in some of my favourite photos I have taken with my film SLR recently.

Hope you enjoy.

This one was just a part of a Depth Of Feild experiment I was doing:

Some Candles:

My friend, Steve's, car. I'm quite pleased. I think these look rather good:

A self portrait taken in the reflection of a train window at night on the way down to exeter:

A church near where my friend Steve used to go to college:

The docks near us:

Some fire jugglers who came to our youth group's fireworks display:

Some fluorescent lighting. I love the colours you get from these:

A bench and lamp post in a park. These where both taken at night at about 1:30 in the morning. The long exposures I set makes the sky look like day:

I love this kind of long exposure shots. The motorway at night:

A river we walked by on a walk on my youthgroup's weekend away. Taken with my wide angle lens:

Steam from a kettle catching the sunlight coming through a window in Dutch composition. This was taken at my Thanksgiving (which we held instead of Halloween):

My best friend Steve (I got him to pose for me):

A black cab's Taxi light:

Train tracks leading off into the distant. Taken on the walk on my youthgroup's weekend away:

A tree in my garden:

Some weights in my kitchen. Another Depth Of Field shot:

My brother, Will, posing through my Wide Angle lense:

My city, Winchester, at night. Again these where taken at about 1:30am. Beautiful:

I hope you all liked them. Any particular favourites?

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