I know I shouldn't do another post for..well..obvious reasons XD But I'll cut it so I'll take up minimum room on your friends page!
How fecking amazing is that woman? And how cool is that video. And why am I reminded of A Sorta Fairytale O_o; And why is she so scarily thin. And why is she so pretty. And why do I have the urge to icon every second of this video. And why am I asking questions without question marks.
But, seriously that's one of the most beautiful dances I've seen. It's Polina Semionova by ze way. My new favourite ballerina XD Not that I had one before that >_>
And I just decided to post that because it's the exact dance we're doing just now XD
And because, as I said, I'm an attention whore I'm going to post 2 of my old AMVs
Which is one of my favourites :D
Because I found it randomly O_o which scared me because it's absolutely crap so I don't know why someone would upload it XD