Title: Not A Verb
Pairing: Giles/Wesley
Rating: PG
Word Count: 588
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
AN: For
bethynyc “That’s a verb.”
Wesley looked up from the scroll, his eyes tired and bloodshot. “It’s a noun,” he mumbled before pushing his glasses up his nose and turning his attention back to the translation. They’d been working on it for almost eight hours straight and they weren’t even half-way through it.
“Wesley,” Giles said as he tried to keep his voice calm, “it doesn’t make any sense. The sentence is fragmented.”
Wesley’s head snapped up and his eyes automatically narrowed. “If I remember right, I’ve been translating this particular language longer than you have. I do believe I know the difference between a noun and a verb,” he harshly said before he picked up his pen and started to take notes.
All Giles could do was sigh. Wesley had been snapping at him all night, especially whenever Giles would kindly point out a mistake. He wanted to suggest they put away the translation for the night but he knew Wesley wouldn’t hear of it. He was rather stuck on finishing it by morning, even if morning was only a few hours off.
“I’m finished for the night,” Giles said as he stood from the table and started to pack his texts into his leather bag. “I’ll see you when you’ve finished.”
Giles didn’t wait for Wesley to answer before slipping his coat on and going to the front door of the Magic Box. He made sure the door was locked behind him, in case anything tried to get in, and started to walk toward the house Wesley and he shared, glad they’d gotten one so close to their place of business.
When he arrived home, Giles went to the kitchen to brew a cup of tea before bed. While it was steeping, he got ready for bed and then took the cup upstairs to the bedroom. After drinking it, he slipped under the covers and turned off the bedside lamp off before falling into a deep slumber.
A few hours later, he awoke to find Wesley still wasn’t there. The sun was up by then so Giles got up and changed out of his night clothes. As he yawned, he left the house and walked back to the Magic Box. After unlocking the door, Giles went inside to find Wesley asleep on his books.
He gathered everything up and placed them in Wesley’s bag before looking down at the man he loved. It wasn’t the first time Giles had to fetch Wesley, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. With a smile, he ran his fingers through Wesley’s tousled hair before gently shaking his shoulder.
“Love? Why don’t you come home and sleep?”
Wesley woke with a start and looked up at Giles. “Sleep is good,” he muttered, his voice hoarse. He stood from his chair and allowed Giles to help him put on his jacket.
Once everything was gathered, the two men made their way back home, knowing Anya would open up the shop for them. Giles took Wesley inside the house and up to the bedroom. There he helped him put on his pajamas before lowering him into the bed. Then Giles changed out of his own clothes and slipped in behind his lover.
“Thank you,” Wesley said around a yawn. Giles didn’t say anything back, but instead, softly kissed Wesley’s neck. “And it’s still a noun.”
Giles didn’t say a word, knowing Wesley would see his mistake after a few hours of sleep. Instead, he held his lover tighter and slowly drifted off.