Title: Ice Cream
Characters: Angel, Fred, and Wesley
Rating: soft FRAO
Word Count: 331
Summary: Angel and Wes watch Fred.
AN: For the prompts ‘lick’ and ‘bite’ at
btvsats_love Her tongue moves over the ice cream, lapping it up. She moans and shifts her weight as she continues to look at the cone in her hand. With mouth open, she sucks off the top and then licks the white from her lips. Her tongue goes back to lapping and then her mouth opens again.
Angel stares, enthralled by it all. He feels himself stirring, his cock hardening at the sight and pressing against the zipper of his pants. He knows he shouldn’t wish Fred would use her tongue on him, like she was on the ice cream, but he can’t stop himself. There’s something about her innocence that drives him crazy.
He’s aware when someone steps beside him but he doesn’t look. Not until he can smell the arousal and he tears his eyes away from Fred and looks to the side. When his eyes come into contact with Wesley’s, the other man flushes and tugs at his jeans before clearing his throat.
They turn back toward Fred and are surprised to see she’s looking back. Her eyebrows raise and she gives them an amused look before biting into the cone. A drop of ice cream dribbles down her chin and she quickly catches it with her finger before licking it clean.
Angel can hear Wesley’s heart start to pound in his chest, and he doesn’t blame him. Maybe innocent little Fred isn’t so innocent after all.
“Night guys,” Fred says as she finishes off the cone and starts for the stairs.
Angel and Wesley both watch her and once she’s out of sight, Angel turns and looks at the other man.
“Do think she…knows?” he asks, knowing Wesley would understand since he looked as uncomfortable as Angel feels.
“Yes,” Wesley pushes out. “She knows.”
There’s an awkward silence and more clearing of throats.
“I need to go…” Angel says, his hands waving in the air.
“Me too,” Wesley says before both of them hurry off to find someplace private.