TITLE: The Tickets
CHARCTERS: Spike, Fred, with future Spike/Angel and Fred/Wesley
SUMMARY: AU S5 of Angel. Spike and Fred can see what the other can't.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own them. Joss, WB and ME does.
AN: For the prompt 'scary' at
btvsats_love. One-shot, for now.
“Don’t ever say I never gave ya anything, pet,” Spike casually said as he dropped two slips of paper on Fred’s desk.
Fred looked from her work and looked at him over the rim of her glasses. She then glanced down at what he’d dropped. They were two tickets to the a horror movie marathon at one of the city’s movie theaters. “Oh, um, thanks,” she said, picking them up and looking at them more closely. “Where’d you get them?”
“Won 'em at a poker game. Bloke didn’t bring the kittens as promised. Ain’t got no use for four of 'em,” Spike said with a shrug.
“I’ll…thank you,” Fred said, not really knowing what Spike wanted her to do with them. It wasn’t like she had anyone to go with. She couldn’t stand Knox anymore and she wasn’t about to take Harmony.
“You should ask Percy to go with ya,” Spike commented. “Bet he’ll like it.”
“Oh, I’m sure Wesley isn’t the scary movie type,” Fred said as her cheeks reddened. “I-I’m pretty sure he has more important things to do.”
Spike snorted and leaned against the edge of her desk. “He’s got it bad for you, Fred. 'Specially when you wear those short lil skirts of yours. You should smell--.”
“Spike!” Fred quickly said, her cheeks burning. “I-I…I’m pretty sure Wesley doesn’t….oh, never mind.”
“So ask him,” Spike smirked. “You lot can get some popcorn and snog in the back seats. Give the poor bloke something to do besides livin’ among his books.”
Fred stared at him for a moment before smiling. “You said you had four tickets?” Spike nodded. “You should ask Angel to go with you.”
Spike gave her a look before bursting out into laughter. “You-you want me to ask Peaches to go on a date with me?” he asked between laughs.
“Yes,” Fred seriously said. “Everyone knows, Spike. It’s not hard to see there’s something there and it’s probably been there for as long as the two of you have known each other. And, Angel loves movies.”
“There’s nothing there, pet,” Spike said, after his laughing had died down. “'Least nothing he wants to admit to.”
Fred frowned a little and took off her glasses. “You’ll never know until you try,” she pointed out. “It’s isn’t like I know how to approach Wesley.”
“You just do it, pet. He wants you.”
“Just like Angel wants you.”
Spike pondered that for a moment and then pushed himself off the edge of the desk. “So divide and conquer, then meet back here in an hour?” he asked as he gave Fred an amused look.
Fred stood from her desk and nodded. “I can’t believe there’s a chance I’m going on a double date with two vampires,” she said.
“Could be worse. Could be going on a double date with those blokes from accounting,” Spike said as they walked to the door of the office.
“True,” Fred commented before the two went their separate ways.
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