Title: Foul, Foul Temptress Author: Xavernus Characters: The Count of Monte Cristo, Albert de Morcerf, and Haydee Rating: R Warnings: Spoilers for The Count of Monte Cristo Disclaimer: I do not own The Count of Monte Cristo.
Title: Drunken Sailors Out at Sea Author: Xavernus Character: Edmond Dantes and OC sailors Rating: PG Warnings: Spoilers for the book. Disclaimer: I do not own The Count of Monte Cristo.
Title: A Night Out Author: Xavernus Pairing: Jennifer/Wendy Rating: NC-17 Warnings: girl/girl sex Disclaimer: I do not own Rule of Rose. It is just a game I play.
Title: The Lines Between Friend and More So Author: Xavernus Pairing: Benvolio/Mercutio Rating: Hard R or NC-17 Warnings: Sex Disclaimer: I do not own Romeo and Juliet, nor do I own the characters. I merely like to play around with them.
Title: Five Things That Never`Happened to Tseng Author: Xavernus Fandom: FFVII Pairing: Tseng/Rufus, Tseng/Elena, Veld, OC Warnings: Death, mentions of m/m sex