Whats good!??! This weekend was the shit. 0n Friday I hung out with Ezeek. She came over nd then we went to the LAX game. I L0VE watching the LAX game cause it's a really hot team :D L0L. 0n the way to FGL all these lil boys kept yelling Ezeek's name who she didn't know! L0L pimpette! Well anyways, at the game we saw MattyC nd Taylor nd hung out
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Comments 22
I love you more than anythin in the world
you are the most beautiful person i hav ever seen wit an amazing personality that no one can compete wit
you make my life complete
I would die witout you cause ur juss an overall amazing friend and you giv me the urge to go on and complete everything i wanna do inlife...i guess its ur kindness and beauty that makes me wanna do more wit my life...and i love you soo much for everythin you did for me
Hug....maybe kiss lol
Duh.. lol
add me<3
`*One compliment. u have big boobs
`*One thought you *secrely* have of me. ur wierd lol jk
`*State here your completely honest opinion about me: ur okay!
`*One thing you'd like to do to me. smack u for all the hard times u gave me
`*A hint to who you are. u think im a puppet
you only look like a puppet sometimes but its okay cause you're a cute puppet :P
`*One secret. hmm...not sure
`*One compliment.you are a really great friend who is helpful all the time
`*One thought you *secrely* have of me.hmm? idk..
`*State here your completely honest opinion about me: oh gosh! Danielle - you are my BEST FRIEND. you always were you always will be. we never see each other anymore but were still best friends! your always there for me, and you help me out so much I love you =]
`*One thing you'd like to do to me. hang out this weekend!! maybe??
okay well this week I have no school thursday and friday, so I was thinking I can come to your house friday till sunday? if thats alright oh god if i go to the movies with you thatt'll be crazy! love ya!
`*A hint to who you are.
becki i seriously need to meet you.
then me, you, and danielle can attack fucky people.
`*One compliment. -- ur is the shit.
`*One thought you *secrely* have of me. -- nothing im sure as hell that i havent had any secrets or secret thoughts about you. i tell you all of them.
`*State here your completely honest opinion about me: ur my fucking best friend nd idk wtf i`d do without you. ur my krackerr for ever. nd i fucking lvoe you 2 death.
`*One thing you'd like to do to me. -- hang out biatch
`*A hint to who you are. ezeeekeil
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