Feb 22, 2005 07:28

Well Jay went to Canada this weekend with my sister and her fiance and some of his friends, when he came back I asked him if he got a lap dance and he was like yeah I did and I was like oh was it a table dance or backroom and he said a TABLE DANCE! Well we went to my sisters yesterday and they were talking about Canada and come to find out he went ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

icedlibertine February 22 2005, 07:48:45 UTC
hey dude... Macomb is really easy, I'm not sure about Baker but most the classes transfer and you'll just have to do less work. Unless you're one of those people who like lots of work.. but good luck with everything!


imashortie4you February 22 2005, 14:10:38 UTC
Krystyn!! You never called me back that one day!! I was super sad! Does Jay go to Baker? I never see him there! You should definitely go there, theres alot of really cool people and it's not that hard!



xbabygirl2139x February 23 2005, 11:12:12 UTC
I know I'm sorry. I think that I went to my sisters that day or something like that. I feel bad :(! No, Jay doesn't go to baker but I'm not sure that I can afford to go to Baker yet. I will probably have to pull out a loan or something. I dunno call me sometime and we can hang out. Love yas



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