x.Name: Sarah
x.Age: 16
x.Zodiac sign: Cancer
x.Birthday: June 22
x.Color: Pink
x.City: oh idk
x.Thing to do?: be with kurt
x.Place: my house/kurts house
x.Food: hm..idk
x.Favorite type of music: rap/rock//alot of music
x.Favorite band: Green Day
x.Favorite singer: oh...idk
x.Favorite song: Ohio is for lovers...
x.Favorite instrument: Guitar
x.Least favorite type of music: hmm not sure
x.Least favorite band: Anything I don't like.
x.Least favorite singer: Hmm idk..
x.Least favorite song: See above
x.Least favorite instrument: dk
x.Favorite teacher: Mrs. Block
x.Favorite subject: none
x.Best subject: Math
x.Least favorite class: English
x.Worst class: earth science
x.Least favorite teacher: Mr. Richards
x.Class with most of your friends: earth science, yearbook
x.Class with the least amount of your friends: leadership
x.Worst enemy: o there is a lot
x.This or That.x
x.Rock or Rap: both
x.Candy or chips: candy
x.Carnivore or vegan: idk
x.Rock or Emo: Rock
x.Emo or Pop: Pop
x.Pop or Rap: rap
x.Light or dark: dark
x.Anime or manga: Neither
x.TV or Internet: Internet
x.Blog or surf(internet): internet
x.Fly or travel in time: ??
x.Sing or dance: Neither..but if I have to choose..sing.
x.Fill out surveys or take quizzes: quizzes
Put an X for those that apply
[x] I am a teenager.
[ ] I have smoked/done drugs before.
[x] I have a friend who smokes/does drugs.
[ ] The last time I cried was while I was watching a movie.
[x] I cry often.
[ ] I love shoes!
[x] Whenever I'm bored, I usually just listen to music.
[x] I'm ALWAYS bored.
[ ] McDonald's is better than Burger King.
[ ] I prefer rock music over rap or R&B.
[x] The reason I couldn't answer the last question is because I like all or most types of music.
[ ] I like to read.
[x] I have good grades.
[ ] My CD collection is so big I took a whole day just to count them all.
[ ]It didn't take a whole day, but my CD collection is still big.
[ ] Troy is one of my favorite movies.
[x] I have at least 2 siblings.
[ ] I love cheesecake!
[x] I cuss too much, and I know it.
[ ] I have a friend that I look up to because (s)he is a great influence.
[ ] I am obsessed with a hot celebrity.
[x] Ah h8 pPl DaT tYp3 lYk Di5.
[ ] The reason I couldn't answer the last question was because I COULDN'T READ IT!
[x] I think homework on the weekends should be outlawed.
[x] I think homework period should be outlawed.
[ ] My favorite color is red.
[ ] I love changing my layouts.
[ ] I have taken a shower with more than 2 people of the same gender as me. With bathing suits. ;)
[ ] I am going to/planning on going to a concert in the next month.
[x] I like cats better than dogs.
[ ] I can't wait for Pirates of the Carribean 2 to come out!
[ ] I live in California.
[x] I want to live in California.
[x] I like football.
[ ] I really should be doing my homework now..but hey, I was bored, what can I say?
[ ]I only put an "x" on the last one because even though I don't have homework to do, I should be doing it anyways since that's how I am. It was all out of guilt.
[x] I hate eggs.
[ ] SpongeBob is awesome!
[x] Randomness makes me laugh.
[x] I'm thirsty.
[x] I like DVD's.
[x] I can't wait for Christmas.
[x] I have a certain name for idiots, and I claim it as my own!!!!
[x] In the last 24 hours, I've talked to somebody on Instant Messenger.
[ ] I am currently on a laptop.
[ ] The laptop belongs to me.
[x] I wish for a lot of things.
[x] My birthday is coming up sometime this month.
Which state was/is your favorite? Michigan
You have two weeks alone any place in the world. Where would you go? Hawaii
What would you do, Abuse roomservice or meditate? abuse the roomservice
Where would you least like to live? idk
Do you watch the news? no not really
How many letters are in your name? (First, Middle, and Last separately.) 5,4,7 haha cool
How many keys are on your keychain? 0
How many windows are in your home? 16
How many exterior doors are in your home? 5
How many cars have you owned? 0
How many states have you had driver’s licenses in? 0
How many e-mail addresses in your ‘primary’ e-mail account address book? 64
How many email accounts do you have? 2
What is the last book you read? Hell I don't know
What are you currently reading? Nothing
What was the last movie you watched alone? idk
What was the last movie you watched with someone else? boogeyman yesterday at kurts
What (if any) one television show do you watch religiously every day/week? next
Soaps: ABC, NBC, or CBS? ABC
What is your favorite musical? Umm...
Have you ever seen a live opera production? No and I don't want to.
If so, which ones?
What is your favorite opera? ...
Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? ...
Which ‘Friend’ would you say you are most like? ...
How old are your parents? heck idk
Are you missing any digits? what
Do you wear glasses or contacts? contacts
Dressing up for an evening out - pants or skirt? jeans
What do you use more of: Tape, Staples or Paper Clips? Staples
Do you use paper towels or re-useable rags? paper towels
Do you prefer showers or baths? Showers
Biggest pet peeve: Annoying People
Favorite commercial of all time: heck idk
Most embarrassing moment: idk
Pro choice or pro life: i forgot what that means
What jewelry do you wear every day (describe as best you can): none
Least favorite relative: i love them all haha *wink wink*
Something that most people don't know about you: I'm insane
Does any song make you cry? YES
If you had (or could?) choose between being beautiful, rich or smart, which one would you choose? Beautiful