AlySSa, Kristine enjoying a lolipop, Brit, Sam, and Lisa up top
Lanes and Rachey in their hot tye dye lol
Katie and Kara gazing into each others eyes haha
Damn.... lol its Katie and her sexy pose
JiLL slaPPen Katies gheTTo bOOty lol
Katie and JiLL b4 we went to friendlys
A group pic of everyone... from top to boTTom... Rachey up in the left corner, Lisa, Kristine, AlySSa in the boTTom left corner ((lol lOOkin a lil high)) me =D and um... Brit lol in the right boTTom corner haha love the smile hun
I got a lot more where these came from but my computer is tOO slow to put um aLL in so i just put these in cuz Katie reLLe wanted me to lol. Hope u like um... xoxo