» G E N E R A L «
.01. ] Name: John Robert Francis
.02. ] Gender: Male
.03. ] Location: alabama.
.04. ] Height: 5'9"
.05. ] Hair color: brown
.06. ] Eye color: hazel (change to w/e im wearing)
.07. ] Is your hair long or short: .short
.08. ] Tattoos/Piercings you have: none
» S C H O O L «
.09. ] Are you still in school: yes,
.10. ] Favorite subject: bible
.11. ] Least favorite subject: english.
.12. ] Do you buy lunch or bring it: both
» F A V O R I T E «
.13. ] Number: 15
.14. ] Clothing brand: aero, abercrombie, AE etc.
.15. ] Tv show: .uhh steelroots
.16. ] Fruit: frozen grapes
.17. ] Movie: shawshank redemption passion
.18. ] Scent: hydrangea (yankee candle)
.19. ] Ice cream flavor: cookie dough
.20. ] Color: blue
.21. ] Season: spring
.22. ] Holiday: thanksgiving
.23. ] Thing in your room: . acoustic guitar
.24. ] Books: Bible, O'malley series
.25. ] TV channel: 16,17 espn
.26. ] Shape: <>< those put together
.27. ] Time: favorite? the time i go to sleep
.28. ] State: alabama.
.29. ] Boy's name: skip
.30. ] Girl's name: .skip
.31. ] Disney character: eeyore
.32. ] Scary movie: skip
» T H I S O R T H A T «
.33. ] Hot or cold: cold
.34. ] Winter or summer: summer
.35. ] Spring or fall: spring
.36. ] Shakira or Britney: neither
.37. ] MTV or VH1: neither
.38. ] Football or baseball: BASEBALL
.40. ] Orange or red: orange
.41. ] Yellow or green: green
.42. ] blue or pink: BLUE
.43. ] Cell phone or pager: cell
.44. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: neither
.45. ] Rap or Country: christian rap
» Y E S-O R-N O «
.46. ] Are you a vegetarian: no
.47. ] Do you like cows: yes
.48. ] Are you a fun person: yes
.49. ] Are you artistic: yes
.50. ] Do you write poetry: yes
.51. ] Can you ski: no
.52. ] Are you British: no
.53. ] Are you straight: yes
.54. ] Are you evil: no
.55. ] Is Britney a whore: no
.56. ] Are you secretly from another planet: no
» P E R S O N A L «
.57. ] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: no
.58. ] Do you have a crush: no
.59. ] Do you love anyone right now: yes
.60. ] Have you ever been in love: yes
.61. ] Do you go by looks or personality: personality
.62. ] Do you smoke: no
.63. ] Do you smoke weed: no
.64. ] Crack, heroin, anything else: no
.65. ] Beer good or beer bad: beer bad
.66. ] Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: no
» T H E L A S T «
.67. ] Thing you ate: pizza
.68. ] Thing you drank: coke
.69. ] Place you went: GA
.70 ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: nothing
.71. ] Song you heard: fm static--three days later
.72. ] Person you instant messaged: Kayla
.73. ] Person you laughed with: kayla
» N O W «
.74. ] What are you eating: nothing
.75. ] What are you wearing: hoodie, pants,briefs,socks and shoes
.76. ] Any shoes on:yes
.77. ] Hair: down
.78. ] Listening to: silence