Im happy!

Apr 07, 2005 18:41

Its weird that Im happy right now. Before I was sad and angry. now I kinda dont care. Hes coming over tomight to watch the OC with me. We arent going out anymore. Just friends. I really wanted things to work but Im not going to push it. If its meant to happen then it will. I just need space and so does he. I need to spend time with my friends again ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

rasberrielipz April 9 2005, 23:47:03 UTC
It was so awesome talking to you! You are fun, funny, exciting, sweet, nice and unsettingly gorgeous! I so love you and I hope we can be good friends and hang out because you totally made my week along with Varin! I so ♥ you! daniela


xbeautifulmindx April 11 2005, 13:41:01 UTC
i had funnn!!


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