
Apr 21, 2005 18:50

Ok so I bitch at him one day, two days later he IMs me and wants to be friends. WTF IS THAT? Obviously I dont really want to be. Whatever. Fuck it ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

asinglesecond69 April 22 2005, 01:17:06 UTC
I know what you mean....all i write about is my relationship too. BUt for serious, if he keeps persisting, lead the fucker on. It may seem immature and childish but he deserves it and it feels damn good. So more power to you.


confusedkido April 22 2005, 02:05:30 UTC
I dont know if i agree with that. Not to butt in or anything. I definetly would not stoop to his level. that just shows that your just as immature, and cant handle it like him.

Good luck.


bluekonstantine July 14 2005, 03:17:24 UTC
ha this totally sounds like me


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