Hope you'll enjoy.♥.
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It's just about Sophie and the confidence she has on herself which isn't much.
She isn't very appreciative of herself and doesn't realise on what an amazing person she is! =]
I tried to make the video to show people that they need to see on what an amazing person they are, they need to see that everyone is unique and that whoever you are, you are worth living for. =D
I know I made a lot of mistakes and I decided I was going to fix it up once I finished the part I was editing! XD
But unfortunately Sony Vegas froze and when I tried to open the project file again, it wouldn't open and therefore I couldn't edit it anymore. (T_T)
The only reason I was able to put up this much was because I imported it and I was glad that it was atleast able to make it into a footage. =D
I would love to finish it, but unless I find out a way on how to open the project file, I'm stuck with just this. (T_T)
Hope you enjoy.♥.
This is dedicated to all who doesn't think worthy of themselves. I hope you will all soon realise that you are worth it just as Sophie was able to realise. =] You were brought to this world for a reason, so please start realising on what an amazing person you are and how much you've changed the people and things you've met. =D
All rights reserved to their respective owners. =D