post anonymously with :
♥one secret
♥one compliment
♥one non-compliment
♥one love note
♥lyrics to a song that reminds you of me
♥how old you are
♥how long we've been friends
♥and a hint to who you are
Slept in till 7:30 today and went to my ortho appt. Found out I get my braces off in one week. :-) Went to McDonalds. Went to skool. Did nothing all day. Came home and started my Horodowich project but couldn't finish bcuz Kathleen called me and asked me if I could work because Maddie called in sick. It sucked. Ms Horodowich came in tho which was ckool. Got happy at one point and stayed semi-ok the rest of the night. I hurt now.. a lot.. g'night.
...Questioning if I can keep doing this. It's really hard...