Do you wanna know,what my Headlinder means?
You'll see it!
At and tomorrow i don't have school,because the lil kids have their english-exames now
and i don't have to go to school,great day,right?
I love exame-day,when i don't have them and when i can chill at home :3
so now i'll show you.what i mean with CYAN!!! it's really cool,believe me
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Comments 49
I miss you *w*
maybe we can talk one day again >o<
in 2 days i have my sport exame from 7.30 till 10.20 :o:
then it's at your home 16.20 i thinks
maybe you can be online?
at thursdays on yahoo,ok?
I hope I can online at that time ^^
i have to tell you something^^
in germany are many reality show,where people imigrant to other contrys!
and for 2 hours i saw 'goodbye germany'
there was a women,who imigrant to indonesia :3 i though i was in the near of your city
i forgott the name your or city,can you tell it to me?
and Nao spam is love~
and yes too!
nice genki icon,do you made it by youself?
I love my Genki icons!
I can make you one if you like?
yes,yes :3
should i give you the with the icon i want?
and i want one with nao too :3 it look great!
die haare sin geilo~
aber ich glaub ich würde dich nich auf der straße wieder erkennen ^^;
aber is wirklich tooooooooooooooooll~ \(*o*)/
macht mir lust meine haare auch zu färben~
ich bin hübsch,ne? :3
ja *o* mach auch~ eine aus meiner schule hat sich die haare pink gemacht!
nyo~ hab ja schon pinke streifen im haar~ aber die sin jetzt schon wieder sehr hell~
wollte mal gucken wegen grün~
kennsu emiru? von canzel? seine haare hätt ich gern *ö*
hab mich vertan ^^;;;
emiru is bei aicle ^^;;;
wechsle die bands immer... wie peinlich...
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