Ah, Clarissa is such a "nice" child. I miss the sims 2, I had decided to uninstall it when I bought the sims 3. I miss all the things that actually helped, like the toddler blanket thing in which you didn't have to worry about putting the baby to bed.
Anywho, it has been great so far. I plan on keeping up with this legacy, expect more comments in the future. :D
I've never used the toddler blanket thingy...I did get a toddler bed for Vince though... I totally forgot about it with Clarissa so it's not like I'm spoiling him or anything... ;>>
And thank you for being interested in my legacy! [: Hopefully it keeps you entertained. Lol.
I finally had some time to catch up and read all the updates! Woo!
Mind you, Clarissa has ONE, I repeat ONE nice point. Fml.
YESSSSS! Oh my god she is SO moody and cute. I feel so bad for Sergio here! Getting choked out by a malicious toddler and all. He's not the one neglecting his children! cough bethany cough
This is really fun to read so far! Great job! :D I wanna see how Vince turns out, too!
Clarissa is adorable! Of course she's bratty -- she's neglected! Not enough to get bad grades though at least :)
I hate when pets decide to sleep anywhere but their beds (or at least a Sim bed). But I guess my cats sleep in some odd places too... I never noticed the choking expression on the "cuddle" action before! Or maybe that's just when a mean toddler cuddles? Hee!
Yes, his eyes are genetic but...I made them super rare...;>> Well, not super, but it seems any child will only get those eyes if they reproduce with another sim with those eyes. I have plenty of townies that have them too so...here's hoping. [:
Comments 11
Anywho, it has been great so far. I plan on keeping up with this legacy, expect more comments in the future. :D
And thank you for being interested in my legacy! [: Hopefully it keeps you entertained. Lol.
Mind you, Clarissa has ONE, I repeat ONE nice point. Fml.
YESSSSS! Oh my god she is SO moody and cute. I feel so bad for Sergio here! Getting choked out by a malicious toddler and all. He's not the one neglecting his children! cough bethany cough
This is really fun to read so far! Great job! :D I wanna see how Vince turns out, too!
Yes, Sergio is abused as well, but I'm sure he's plotting to take over the world anyhow.
As for Vince, I'm hoping he's the opposite of his sister. If we're lucky, they'll get along..if not, well, -ding ding- goes the bell. XD
I hate when pets decide to sleep anywhere but their beds (or at least a Sim bed). But I guess my cats sleep in some odd places too... I never noticed the choking expression on the "cuddle" action before! Or maybe that's just when a mean toddler cuddles? Hee!
To be honest, I can't wait to get the heir poll out ASAP! Sadly, Bethany is going to be an elder soon so a third child must be conceived at once! Lol.
Perhaps they will pop out in a later generation.
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