"Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head."

Apr 27, 2005 05:40

Hello. I'm hoping today is going to be a good day because my night wasn't necessarily good at all. Some parts were good; the fact that Sara was here when I needed someone was pretty good; the fact that I actually laughed was good.

I get so tired of working so hard for our survival )

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Comments 4

chainofgoodbyes April 27 2005, 03:55:26 UTC
You did well Arteh, *huggles*
I luff you!


chimical_kiss April 27 2005, 04:53:09 UTC
Yes you did do well. It was for the best, and you two know it was. I already said all that in my email, no need for me to put it here too. Lol.
I lovvvee youuu! *hugs*


vaesolidarkness April 27 2005, 06:20:52 UTC
I can probably guess at what happened, eh? *hug*


xblood_flowerx April 28 2005, 03:57:13 UTC
Yeah Colt, you can guess...

But thank you guys; your input helps.


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