I concur. This girl once said she was really sick of people asking her why she didn't drink and found the best answer to give them was, "So I don't look like you."
Hey Jenn! How are you hon? This is completely OT to your post, but I just wanted to check that your most current email is xhotdamn @ hotmail.com and you're still happy to be archived on the PSA? I sent you a PSA admin email but I'm not sure if you got it, I think I sent it to your other hotmail address...
Are you planning on writing any more gorgeous HP fics? I look forward to reading your next one if you are! :)
Comments 7
no one is forcing you to read what i write
i'm not rude to you, i never make comments when you write things I disagree with
This girl once said she was really sick of people asking her why she didn't drink and found the best answer to give them was, "So I don't look like you."
when do you get back from china? bring me back some pirated dvd's? if that is what is done there.
lets pray that hurricane vane didn't do too much damage to anyone we know. baruch atah adonai. talk to ya soon
Are you planning on writing any more gorgeous HP fics? I look forward to reading your next one if you are! :)
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