(no subject)

May 28, 2004 13:03

Name: Liz
Age: 14
Location: TX
How long have you been cutting? 2 years, but si-ing since I was little
And do you actually want to stop? why bother
Why/Why not? it hurts others so I should but whatever.
Do you cut line's or words? designs and lines
Have you ever taken a pic. of it? yep
Do you have any rituals? no
What do you like best about cutting? the sigh of relief. and the taste of blood.
Are you ashamed to be a cutter? yes. very.
What do you use to cut? pencil sharpener blade and scissors.
Have you been diagnosed with anything? depresssion.
By whom? Doc Fox the psychiatrist
Do you self diagnose? no
What would you say you had if you had to diagnose yourself? I'd say clinical depression with a tad of bipolar o.O;;
Are you on medication? yeah
What kind/s? zoloft
Do you self medicate? no
Do you purposly take more/less? which? neither
Ever been in psych hospital? no
What for/how long? ---
Have you tried to commit suicide? yes
Do you still have those thoughts? every day
Have you ever needed stitches? nope
Are you afraid that one time you might slice too deep? often.
Has anyone ever stopped being your friend because they found out about your cutting? no. they just freak out and go trumpet what I'm doing from a mountain top...which doesn't stop me.
What happened with that? ---
What is your worst experience relating to cutting? my mom freaking out and sobbing.
What has been your best experience with cutting? the whole ordeal.
Would you ever do sadomasochistic stuff, like getting your partner to cut you and vice versa? nah.
Do you fantasise about hurting others in anyway? not sexually.
And would you like to really do it in real life? Probably
What about killing someone? no
Do you dream of that? Yes
Could you do it? Yes
Tell us something we don't know about yourself. If you don't know, you weren't meant to.
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