Title: Ravaged Dream
Fandom: Sometime between Tokyo Babylon and X/1999
Characters: Sumeragi Subaru, Sakurazuka Seishirou
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Dark
I'm giving the warning because it's what Subaru-kun would want me to do. Don't read if you get disturbed easily.
"Ruin me Seishirou-san. I want to be ruined by you. I want you to find me important enough to ruin me."
"Why would you want that Subaru-kun? You're pretty and I wouldn't want you to be damaged."
"But you said that I don't matter to you Seishirou-san. Why would it matter if you damaged something that you don't care about. I want you to hurt me Seishirou-san. I want you to kiss me so hard that I bruise."
"Why do you want that Subaru-kun? I don't understand why you'd want me to hurt you while doing something that people do for fun."
"I want the illusion that you care about me Seishirou-san. I want you to kiss me and run your hands all over my body. I want you to pin me to the bed and fuck me senseless and I'll pray and hope that I mean something to you Seishirou-san."
"You're very weird Subaru-kun wanting something like that. You know that right?"
"I don't care Seishirou-san. I want you to break me. Please break me."
"I can't Subaru-kun because you're so very exquisitely broken already."
One Sumeragi Subaru then woke up as he felt something sticky and wet clinging to his thighs with the memory of leather clad fingers brushing across his stomach and failed to realized that there was a faint smell of cigarette smoke lingering at the edge of the room.