Title: Hell Within
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Yamashita/Kato
Rating: PG-13 (dark, angsty, crazy!violent!Pi)
Disclaimer: Not associated with Johnny's Entertainment. This is fiction; it never happened.
A/N: For
rietje_1, as apart of my
Happy Birthday!! event. I hope this is acceptable, even if I did screw it up and wrote it from Shige's PoV instead XD; Unbeta'd; let me know if you spot any errors. Enjoy!
NOTE: Massive apologies to anyone that had to deal with this uncut on their friendlist. The HTML showed up fine when I previewed it, but apparently broke somewhere between my pressing the "Post" button and it showing up.
Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you, Hell within…
- Alice in Chain, Heaven beside you
He’s barely two steps through the doorway when Shige is suddenly yanked inside, fingers clawing into his shirt collar and pulling so hard he nearly trips over himself from the force of it. The door is slammed behind him, and he barely manages to catch his breath before he’s being thrown against it.
Yamashita - he’s always Yamashita when he’s like this; never Yamapi - curls his fingers around the younger man’s neck and holds tight. So tight Shige can feel them digging in painfully and knows he’ll have to wear a turtleneck tomorrow.
“What did I tell you?” He hisses, eyes flashing with something that Shige can’t name; something possessive, dark, and angry. His fingers tighten and Shige can’t help the jolted cry that bubbles out. Yamashita doesn’t let go, doesn’t say a word, but his lips twitch the way they do when he’s pleased. “What did I fucking tell you?”
There’s no right answer; Shige knows because they’ve done this before, more times than he can count. He stays quiet instead, keeps as neutral a face as possible, and watches as the anger melts away, slowly, the controlled façade coming back bit by bit. Yamashita loosens his grip, then lets go entirely, and pulls away, straightens his collar and smoothes down his shirt.
“Do better next time,” he says, and it’s only from experience that Shige recognizes how shaken he sounds.
For a moment, they lock eyes, and then Yamashita surges forward, forcefully presses his lips to Shige’s in a kiss that’s as intense as it is brutal. Shige is shaking by the time they separate, but he waits until Yamashita turns away and heads down the hall to the bedroom before he lets himself fall, sliding back against the door until his knees touch his chest.
He’s the only person that gets to see this; the only person that can ever make Yamashita’s mask slip, just a bit. It scares him a little, whenever it happens, seeing past the stoic persona and catching brief glimpses of what lies beneath, the darkness and brutality and shadows, so many shadows. It scares Yamashita too, although Shige is unsure of whether that’s because of what the older man sees in himself when it happens, or because Shige is able to bring it out of him.
It frightens them both, but to Shige, it’s intriguing, almost fascinating. Every taste of it he gets - every terrifying, exhilarating moment he experiences - makes him want more.
And maybe that makes him just as crazy as Yamashita, he thinks, as he stands up to follow the older man. Maybe that makes him just as broken, just as twisted and sick and dark inside.
But somehow, he wouldn’t have it any other way.