Title: never let you go
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Nishikido/Kato
Rating: PG-13 (Character death, sadness, angst)
Disclaimer: Not associated with Johnny's Entertainment. This is fiction; it never happened.
A/N: Last one! For
suchathingasai, as part of my
Happy Birthday!! event. I'm not sure if this is really what you had in mind, but I hope you like it either way.
Three months, four days, and 13 hours.
That’s how long Shige has been dead, and the only reason he knows is because he’s been watching the clock. It’s difficult to tell night from day here, in this strange place he’s in. A place where the world is painted in monochromes, the skies are always dark, the people ashen and grey.
There’s only one, tiny corner of color in this world, and that’s Ryo. Ryo, who has spent the last three months in a daze, constantly looking torn between crying and raging, anger and sorrow; who rarely leaves the apartment that was supposed to be theirs anymore, instead keeping himself locked inside, surrounded by boxes that Shige never got to unpack.
Who mourns and mourns and mourns and never lets go. Shige knows, because he’s been watching.
The reaper comes for him, every night at midnight exactly. Shige is startled by his form - young, so young - but never comments. He hardly speaks at all, in fact, but to answer the reaper’s question the same way, every time: “I won’t leave him.”
The reaper gives him the look; the one he always gives when Shige responds: pitying, sympathetic, ruthful.
Shige hates that look.
“Neither of you will ever be able to move on like this.” The reaper says sadly, like he knows. Shige doesn’t respond, doesn’t have a response, and when the clock strike twelve-oh-one, the reaper sighs quietly and fades away without another word, leaving Shige behind.
His words remain, however, and bother Shige long after. Ryo hasn’t let him go. Shige can feel it somewhere inside of him, a deep sort of ache that tells him the other man is still clinging, still clutching desperately as a spirit he doesn’t even know is there. He’s not ready yet, and Shige’s not sure if he ever will be.
Shige’s not sure if ever wants him to be ready.
The reaper will come again tomorrow, will ask his question, and Shige will give him the same answer. And they will repeat this pattern, again and again. And who knows, Shige thinks. Maybe one day he will be ready. Maybe one day he’ll say yes and the reaper will take him and he’ll move on. But not today.
Today, he will sit, and he will watch, and he will let Ryo cling and mourn and hide from the world.
Three months, four days, and 14 hours, and Shige is dead, but not gone.