Title: The Third Wheel
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Masuda/Tegoshi/Kato
Rating: PG-15 (Mentions of sex)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A/N: This... was so much better in my head. I think I totally butchered Shige here DX Also, it should be known that calling Shige "Kato" is intensely frustrating, and the only reason I do it is because my OCD side refuses to let me use an inconsistent naming scheme. For
bananyphophany , who wanted "Jealousy/fluff". I'm sorry it's so fail D:
This is so ridiculously wrong.
That’s the only thing Kato can think of; is the only thing he’s been able to think of for hours now, ever since Tegoshi showed up at his door and decided to invade his apartment-with Masuda in tow, of course, because these days you never got one without the other-announcing rather loudly that they were going to spend the evening together, and that was that.
Kato still isn’t sure how that ended up with the three of them tumbling into bed together, and he sure as hell doesn’t know how the sex came into play, but he’s pretty sure that it’s all Tegoshi’s fault.
Shifting, he peers over, watches the other two for a few long moments curiously. They’re curled up together, Tegoshi cuddled up to Masuda’s chest, looking shockingly innocent in his sleep for someone who just spent the last hour proving just how thoroughly lacking in innocence he really is. Masuda has a protective arm around his naked shoulders, lips pressed against the younger’s forehead delicately.
Despite himself, Kato can’t help but feel just slightest touch of envy at the sight. The two look natural together, like two pieces of a puzzle, and Kato feels oddly left out, like that one piece that’s been warped by water damage and just doesn’t fit.
He feels like a third wheel, and that’s not right; not when he just spent a good chunk of time wrapped about the both of them, practically losing his mind from over stimulation. Not when he’d actually kind of enjoyed it, as ashamed as he is to admit it. Not when, for a brief instant when he’d been right on the edge, he’d thought that they kind of worked, all three of them, in some strange way.
He’s so lost in his thoughts, practically drowning in his own self-pity, that he fails to notice the youngest of them stirring, rolling away from Masuda; doesn’t realize Tegoshi is awake until he suddenly feels a hand groping for his wrist, closing around it after a moment.
“Shige thinks too loud,” he whines softly, turning back around, dragging Kato’s arm with him. It takes the slightly older boy a moment to catch on, but when he does, he smiles, curls his arm around Tegoshi’s waist, pressing his face against the back of his neck. Tegoshi smiles, somehow manages to snuggle against both him and Masuda at once. “Better,” he murmurs drowsily, dozing back off within seconds.
And Kato smiles to himself; he doesn’t feel so much like a third wheel anymore. And it’s kind of nice.