Title: Teenage Dream
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Masuda/Tegoshi
Rating: PG-13 (Vague allusions to sex)
Disclaimer: Not associated with Johnny's Entertainment. This is fiction; it never happened.
A/N: For
pochi_k , who wanted something "based on Teenage Dream by Katy Perry". I want to say, right off the bat, that English music makes no fucking sense to me. I had to have Misa explain the song to me before I could write this. But I hope you like it XD For my
100+ Member Celebration Event.
“Are you sure?”
It’s such a strange thing to ask, especially considering their position, Tegoshi straddling Masuda, peppering kisses down the other man’s jaw and throat. Masuda’s hands are on his hips, steadying, strong, and the bed beneath them is invitingly soft and foreign. Tegoshi laughs against his skin like it’s a joke.
“Of course I am,” he says, tightening his grip around Masuda’s neck, drawing him up, closer and closer until they’re so together that it’s hard to tell where one starts and the other ends.
Masuda looks adorably hesitant, the expression on his face one of troubled concentration, and for the first time that night, Tegoshi feels a flutter of nervousness in the pit of his stomach. But then there’s that smile, the one he loves so much, and Masuda reaches up, brushes his bangs away from his eyes and strains his neck to press a kiss to his forehead, so tender it almost hurts. “Okay,” he says, soft but pleased, and Tegoshi is floored.
He thinks it weird, afterwards, when he and Masuda are curled around each other tightly, not quite sleeping but not awake enough for the world to really matter, that the first thing that pops into his mind is a memory of high school.
He remembers how it was back then, the endless stream of boys and young men, plenty of sex but not a drop of emotion involved. He remembers wanting more - so much more - than any of his peers were willing to offer, remembers wanting something that at the time, he hadn’t even understood himself; love, acceptance, a warm, familiar body to pull him close each night.
He remembers all of it, and then he thinks of what he has now, Masuda’s arms tight around his waist, a head of dark hair nestled into his shoulder, kisses being dropped against his shoulder. And then he smiles, because really, high school fantasies could never live up to the real thing.