Title: Oh Christmas Tree
Fandom: NewS
Pairing: Masuda/Tegoshi
Rating: PG-13 (Allusions to sex, possible de-sanctifying of a holiday)
Disclaimer: Not associated with Johnny's Entertainment. This is fiction; it never happened.
A/N: I kind of agonized over this one for a while before it got written, but in the end, I'm actually very happy with it. For
melib2 , who wanted "tegomass exchanging very, very sensual Christmas gifts". I hope you like it! For my
100+ Member Celebration Event.
Massu is laughing, which probably isn’t very appropriate for the situation, but Tegoshi is giggling too, from where he’s straddling Massu’s knees and working very diligently at unzipping the older man’s pants, so he figures it’s acceptable. He’s also a little bit drunk, thanks to whatever it is that Tegoshi not-so-sneakily snuck into the eggnog, which kind of explains why he’s not exactly bothered by the fact that they’re probably going to end up having sex right under the goddamn Christmas tree.
“Yuya,” he says, pausing to let out a breathless little laugh. “Yuya, don’t you want to unwrap your gifts first?” He’s perfectly onboard for the sex part, of course, but he worked hard to pick the younger man’s presents this year. He kind of wants to see how Tegoshi likes them.
Tegoshi hums thoughtfully and looks like he’s considering his options. For all of three seconds. Then he grins in a cat-and-canary sort of way and pops open the button on Massu’s fly smoothly.
“Mm… I think I’d rather unwrap you instead.” He says, hooking his fingers into the waistband of Massu’s boxers and tugging, and it’s so ridiculously corny that Massu ends up laughing again, tugging the other man up to kiss him soundly. The gifts, he supposes, can wait.