Oh, the anger I have inside.....

Jul 30, 2004 21:38


In order to preserve the confidentiality of certain parties, I am going to leave out exactly what I am pissed about.

Suffice it to say that I am sorely and irreversibly pissed.

This night has been a severe shot in the groin, and I feel like the entire foundation of my life has been pulled out from beneath me.
This is not a feeling I like.

I have had to make a lot of extremely difficult adjustments lately; carrying on debate after debate in my head to try and come to terms with the changes in the world around me.
This has not helped.

I take that back.
It has helped.
I've made my decision now.

Bad luck for anyone who was trying to get back on the good side of my divided soul.
You're cut.
I hereby and forthwith refuse to tolerate any more of this.
This is the way I have to live.

Like I said in the last post, we are our friends.
Thus I refuse to be friends with anyone I do not want to be.
I apologize for the friends I will lose, but to preserve my own sanity and morality, it has got to be this way.
I cannot abide otherwise.
The Spirit in me is far too strong to allow me to fall now.

I will now conlude this overly dramatic, ambiguous, yet entirely honest journal entry.
Sorry to whoever read it.

Post away.

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