Title: After Tonight
Pairing: 2min
Rating: PG13 (for the implied sexies)
Genre: Fluff, romance, comfort, first time
Notes: I've been wanting to write this for a long time and I finally did :) Based off of Justin Nozuka's "After Tonight." This is going to be a part of the songfics that I want to write weekly. Enjoy, please.
His eyes were sparkling in the night, not only because they were underneath the light of a star-filled sky, but there was a sparkle of slight dissatisfaction, of wanting, of longing, of need. Something was obviously missing. But the way his dongsaeng’s eyes shone with longing under his chestnut hair, Minho could’ve sworn he had never seen anything more beautiful.
“Is everything all right?” Taemin slowly turns his head back to his love and pulls a soft smile onto his gleaming face in reply and just for a moment, it seems as though the longing has disappeared. But he looks up at the stars again and the longing takes its telling place into his chocolate eyes once more.
The older boy reaches out to grab the younger’s right hand, intertwining their fingers with understanding. He stands up, forcing the other to follow him through the grass field. “Hyung, where are you going?” he says, trying to pull him back to his spot.
“Just follow me,” the tall boy replies, calmly tugging on his arm to make him follow.
They walk around aimlessly for minutes until Minho finds a patch of grass suitable to his liking. He sits wide-legged, beckoning the other to sit between them. Taemin complies and feels that familiar sensation of strong arms wrapping around his body and a sharp chin resting lightly on his shoulder. They can’t see each other, but they both close their eyes and breathe in the moment simultaneously.
“Don’t open your eyes, okay?”
Taemin laughs, “Why?”
“Just trust me.”
“Okay,” he replies and takes in another deep breath, feeling the arms around him tighten slightly as he sinks back into Minho.
“Okay, Taemin, don’t open your eyes quite yet.”
“Why, Hyung?” he asks curiously, still keeping his eyes closed.
“After tonight, you won’t have to look up at the stars.” Minho’s voice isn’t in its usual baritone vibrato. It’s childlike and innocent, yet assuring.
“What are you talking about, Minho-yah?” Taemin laughs. His hyung has always been a weird one, a cute one, but still weird.
“Okay,” Minho says while releasing Taemin from their embrace, “You can open your eyes now.”
He opens them slowly, giving his eyes time to adjust to the new light. The stars really were falling and the light fell like rain upon the ground. Soft droplets of beautiful light fell around them. Taemin’s eyes widen with wonder and a wide smile stretches across his face as he stands up and walks around with his arms out to his sides as though wanting to feel the stars falling onto his body.
“How did you do this, Hyung?” The longing in his eyes replaced with amazement as he looks around him.
“I didn’t do anything.” Minho stands up and chases after his dongsaeng. He tackles him lightly to the ground, body resting lightly on the other’s and he places a soft kiss onto his lips. The kiss is slow, not tantalizing, but perfect. With the stars falling around them, they lie on the grace peaceful, locked into the moment. “Come fly away with me?” is all Minho can say when they finally pull away.
“Huh?” Taemin is still in a daze.
“Just for tonight. Let’s fly away. No one will ever know.”
The younger laughs heartily. “I’ll go anywhere with you.” He means it. He’d do anything for Minho. Fly to the end of the world with no wings if that’s what he wants.
Minho moves his hand slowly up Taemin’s shirt, caressing the milky skin softly. He kisses Taemin’s neck gently, short and soft kisses to reflect the beauty of the moment. Before they know it, Minho is whispering loving expressions of I love you’s and You’re so beautiful’s while Taemin breathes out Minho’s name softly. “Tell me how you feel.”
“You’re doing everything perfectly.” He smiles up at his love and kisses him deeply again. “You’re perfect.”
You don’t have to hide; you’re free to fly
For a moment there, they’re flying above the clouds and high above the stars, through unknown black holes and they’re not even sure where they are. The stars are below them and Taemin swears he can see the entire world below him. The dancing lights paint a beautiful picture beneath him. But with a quiet stilling of motion and whispering of each others’ names, they return to Earth again, in place with the stars once more.
The younger boy looks to his side to find his lover breathing heavily but peacefully. “I’m yours forever, you know?” Minho says through closed eyes.
“Does that mean I’ll never have to look up at the stars again?” Taemin closes his eyes again.
“If that’s what you want, then yes,” he reaches for his hand and caresses it lovingly, “Anything is yours.”
Taemin opens his eyes and the stars are back up in the sky, no longer falling like raindrops amongst them. He is not disappointed, though; he knows exactly where to find those stars again. He cuddles closer to Minho and kisses him carefully. He’d never have to look up at the stars again.
ENDNOTE: Did I mention that this is super out of character for me? I hate fluff T_T