"Write 15 statements about people in your life, past or present, that you have always wanted to say and/or a memory you have shared."
1. You are my favorite person in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD... you have been like a father to me and i am so happy i got you instead of my father... i wouldnt trade you for anyone in the world
2. You make me understand that i am the one who has to be happy with my decisions not my family... i wish we lived closer together
3. Everyone says we are meant to be... but really we arent ... you have changed more over this year than anyone else i know and sometimes i dont even want to be your friend
4. You gave birth to me... you do so much for me you raised me as a single mother and your better than the normal 2 parents... i love you
5. To the first person i EVER shared a room with... you are amazing and i am so lucky that i got you as a roomie... i will miss you much if you leave me in january
6. Taking you to prom was one of the biggest mistakes of my life...spending the night with you was probably worse... i will get over you someday
7. Your my go to person i will never will alone as long as i have you in my life. you put up with more shit from me than anyone else in the world should... and you will always be my best friend my family...
9. You graced my life for 8 short years... you gave me more memories in those 8 years then anyone else... you will alway be my angel... i will NEVER forget your face i will never forget the smell of you i will never forget your name and i will never forget you... I love you and you are my hero... you were stronger than i can ever be...
10. You make me so proud to be related to you... you can always make me smile and you always make me understand the "blood is thicker than water" you are my favorite but shhh dont tell
11. Life with you in it was amazing i thought i loved you i really did but i realized but you were nothing but wrong for me and i am very happy that you are out of my life... there will always be a special part of me for you though
12. You call to just say hi... you call to just tell me how your doing... i call just to say hi ... i call just to tell you my problems... we are always there for each other and i like that
13. We are friends through a friend... sometimes i feel thats the only reason you talk to me
14. Even though you didnt give birth to me you are like my mother... you treat me like your daughter... we share a special bond and i will always be there for ever and ever
15. I am like your 2nd daughter... and i could be alot harder on you than i am ... i just hope you completely understand what you have done... i love you either way