Feb 04, 2004 08:23
Post anything (comment on this entry) that you want here, and post it anonymously. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love... anything. Make sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post as many times as you'd like. Then, put this in your LJ to see what others have to say.
Feb 04, 2004 02:06
when you read this...
you call me.
you get in your car.
and you drive.
and you come to me.
and you hug me.
like you've never hugged me before.
Feb 03, 2004 03:44
its almost four in the effin morning and i can't effin sleep my nose is effin runny everytime i effin lay down i have to effin cough ::coughcough:: dammit i can't stop effin coughing and my mind is effin spinning of all sorts of feelings and situations and problems and solutions and just effin everything eff this. night.