of course pete won *finally* haha.. i'm pretty sure ur talkign bout tennis.. cuz i'm smart like that.. *siikkee*.. but i'll pretend to be smart like that.. but hey! guess wut?! the chance of me goign to nationals this year is better! haha.. i just got to get my paretns to approve.. and i'm goign to try to run for a math team like officer position.. so the trip wont' cost me ne thing :) ne wayz.. ttyl
Re: hi hixcountrybabySeptember 10 2002, 17:36:22 UTC
Duude!! i was rooting for pete.. but i think in the long run.. agassi is gonne be better..and anywayz.. hes got a great attitude towards everything.. which is awesome^^ hehe howz school been? - ohoh! about the mao trip, thats so awesome!! 'since this is like your last yr.. then off to college you go=( but heyhey i hope you win =) duude! as an officer, the trip doesnt cost anything? thats no fair.. hehe but that does sorta stink.. yall have to pay like tons of money for a plane ticket to come down to hicksville;) hehe but yea talk to ya later! - take carez!
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.. ed :)
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