I'll give you the art first, of course, since that's what most people come here to see!
Grumpy Mage! :D Her name is Adylee and she's just precious <3 I was trying to play with Painter...I think it came out pretty good <3 I would like to have put some deeper values into it since it feels a little too "pastel" for me, and she's just not a "pastel" kinda girl. Either way, I'm pretty proud of this one, especially since I have like, zero experience with Painter.
Aaaand here's my very first piece for
wow_artxchange ! This is
kaelash 's Belf Rogue, Kae. I never thought I'd have to draw Belf nipples, but here I am. Anyway, he was fun to do and actually ended up taking very little time, considering.
SO that brings me to my musings on how playing World of Warcraft has affected me artistically. You'll notice that I don't draw furry things (or at least don't post them) very much anymore. It's not that I'm sick of drawing them, or completely done with drawing them, don't worry!
I just wanted to expand, you know? And here's the thing: I am not a creative person. You heard it right here. Not very creative.
I don't have many actual "characters" like most people. The ones I do have are pretty much just for the furry fandom, and they're not very deeply thought out. I'm not a writer, no matter how much I would like to be. My characters don't really have depth or personality, they pretty much just serve the purpose of giving me something to draw, since I have the aforementioned lack of creativity.
Oh sure, I can tell you that my "Courtney" character is silly, happy-go-lucky and on and on, but those are very simple descriptions. It's easy to say that a character is "angsty" or "happy," and that's about the extent of my characterization for all those little furry critters I draw.
What I'm getting at is that I'm incredibly thankful for WoW. Not only is it a great time killer, it gave me characters, like, a LOT of characters. It gave me situations to put them in. It gave me ideas.
The reason that I never much got into drawing humanoids is because I never had humanoids to draw. I didn't have stories to back up any characters I might have wanted to create, and therefore, if I wanted to draw my created characters, I wouldn't really have any direction for my drawings. I would probably draw them standing there on a white background, expressionless, boring.
WoW gave me a reason to practice drawing humanoids. It gave me characters that already have the basic workings of a story. This is something that I can build upon with my limited creativity to create somewhat unique characters. It gave me drawing fuel, and it made me happy to draw again.
So again, not totally done with the whole critter drawing thing, just really enjoying where I am right now.