Birthday, bank, baking, bills, and butts.

Jan 21, 2011 14:18

Today is Zach's birthday, so he took off work. I'm stuck up here, so I guess I'll actually post for once. HMMMM.

I'm trying to talk him into actually doing something for his big 2-5, but I think he's pretty much content to just be off work and sleep all day, which is fine, too. It just means that I'm going to have to drag him to the Led Zeppelin cover band show on Monday. My boss tells me that he thinks he can get my tickets comped! Weeee! Cover bands are hella fun, and Zach is a huge Zepp nerd <3 Plus, he was adorable at the Guns N' Roses cover band show...headbanging and getting really into it. We were the only ones the band paid attention to! It was like they hung out on our side of the stage and played the concert just for us :) I was pretty sick of having "Slash's" crotch in my face the whole time, but whatever! It was fun!

I called the bank yesterday morning and OH MY GOD I HAVE $7 IN THE BANK WTFFFFFF. That wasn't a typo. SEVEN DOLLARS. I don't know where it all went! I was keeping an eye on it and then BAM! $7 to the face! It's taken care of until payday, though, so I suppose things could be worse. I could have $6 to my name.

I thought we finally got my computer to stop crashing, but when Zach put the second stick of RAM back in it last night, it bluescreened like a champ. So now he's going to have to set it up to read the RAM a different way or something? Clearly, computers are not something that I understand. I'm at peace with that fact.

I baked and gessoed my little raptor sculpture finally! Now all that's left is the painting and glazing, but I'm stuck on what colors. I think something totally off the wall like hot pink or purple might be cute, but I don't want to ruin him :c I still want to make more dino babies to go with him <3 Triceratops, you can not be an actual dinosaur species all you want, but you're getting MADE goddammit, cause you are my favorite.

Our lease is coming up again next month. We've been hunting around, but there's nothing in the area with reasonable prices (thank you, college students and your moneybags parents...) I'd really like to find a place with a washer and dryer in the apartment, but maaaaaaan shit is expensive! Zach's sister may have found a place that would be reasonable, though, so maybe we'll check that out this weekend. Of course the place that Zach's brother was supposed to be setting up for us didn't work out. Still, I think we might try to stay in our current digs for just one more year. It's so cheap and we're saving so much money that we can use the time to be better prepared for deposits and stuff when this time rolls around again next year. I MISS HAVING PETS! GRAAAAH!

Um um um. I'm working on a new digital drawing style that I'm SO IN LOVE with. I'm really excited to actually show off some stuff I've done, but nothing is finished, and I HAVE COMMISSIONS TO FINISH, DANG IT. I swear I am the worst commissionee (lol?) in the world. My commissioners have been patient and awesome waiting on me to get off my butt and finish something for them. I hate how I get when I have a lot of stuff in my lap art-wise...I become totally unmotivated and don't want to work on anything beyond the initial sketch, but that's kind of how I am with all of my art I guess. I never liked coloring so much as drawing, and I still don't to this day :\ If I could find a coloring style that looked good that I was comfortable with, it might help, but I have yet to do that, so ugh I just hate coloring blaaaaaah.

I'm down about 10lbs. since the last time I weighed myself! I didn't even try to do that, so I figure now would be a perfect time to actually TRY to eat better and lose some weight anyway. I've been doing pretty well all week, eating salads and wraps and soups. Omnomnom veggies!

WoW: I healed my first heroic of this expansion and no one died! I was nervous like woah. Thank god for a guild that actually DOES stuff like this. Then I got into a normal and had to lead the party because no one had seen Lost City more than once except me :c I still haven't really learned the pulls yet so we just kind of ran in and facerolled. Not fun for me healing, no sir. Then I logged on and stared at my warrior's hot plate thong for a while. I can't help it, she's got a butt that won't quit. People who end up with my warrior as a tank: You're welcome. The view from back there must be stunning.

Okay, fine. Here's a leetle preview of the type of drawings I've been doing lately:

My baby troll hunter with her lion, Kruger (the Echeyakee model, white lion. Named Kruger because I'm a complete and utter nerd and that's the subspecies of ACTUAL white lions or something...NERD ALERT) Anyway, this method makes characters more fun to draw, because there's a lot of push and pull. I don't feel like I use my eraser enough as an artistic tool, especially in digital art, where there is no reason not to! So I'm trying to get better. Also, I want to draw less cute Disney-type things. I'd like to keep my cartoonyness, but maybe drop some of the cuteness, especially in my less-cute characters, like Rozsh here. ANYWAY, someday I will post more of these! Yes!

update, rambling, life, art, wow

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