Girl Next Door
You scored 81 looks, 86 personality, 32 politics, and 31 sex drive!
You're nice and you have a great personality, but a lower sex drive than most, or you've never had sex (which I commend you for). You appear to be a Democrat or something resembling one. You'd be a great girlfriend, and maybe a great soulmate someday. Sex drive isn't as important as many people would have you think, plus when you get married it usually opens up a bit. Just find the right person for you (if you haven't already) and live out your life.
Don't Forget to Take My Other 2 Tests
The Music (Rock That Is) Test The One Question Test My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 78% on Appearance
You scored higher than 93% on Personality
You scored higher than 65% on Beliefs
You scored higher than 6% on Sexuality
The What Kind of Girl are You Test written by
ramonaaronperez on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test ESFP - The Performer
You scored 63% I to E, 52% N to S, 14% F to T, and 63% J to P!
Your type is called the performer, and you very much feel "all the world's a stage". Your type is part of a larger category called experiencers or artisans. You are playful and funloving, and wish to help all those around you lighten up. You radiate warmth and optimism. Your motto is "eat, drink, and be merry". You share your type with over 10% of the population. You don't like to be alone - ever, if possible. You are always up on what is new and hot.
As a romantic partner, you are fun and affectionate, leading an active life full of friends. You are naturually happy-go-lucky and supportive of your partner. You dislike confrontation, and will avoid conflict discussion at all costs. You tend to let things go, hoping they go away on their own. You feel most appreciated when your partner is affectionate and acknowledges the good deeds you do, but doesn't make a particularly big deal out of them.
Your group summary:
Experiencers (sp)<
Your Type Summary:
ESFP My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 75% on I to E
You scored higher than 68% on N to S
You scored higher than 6% on F to T
You scored higher than 69% on J to P
The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by
unpretentious2 on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test THAT IS EXACTLY LIKE ME! It's pretty amazing.
INFJ - The Counselor
You scored 50 I versus E, 20 N versus S, 20 F versus T, and 60 J versus P!
Your ideal romantic partner is known as the counselor. This type makes a supportive and insightful romantic partner, encouraging their mates to have dreams and work hard to make those dreams come true. Because they are so creative, they have a wealth of ideas to help them toward those goals. They need harmony so much that they are driven to resolve conflict quickly, as long as the terms don't violate their strong ethics. They feel the most appreciated when their partners admire their creativity, trust their inspirations, and respect their values. It is also vitally important that their partners be open and emotionally available - in other words, that they be willing to share themselves completely.
The group summary:
idealists (NF) The type summary:
INFJ My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 27% on I versus E
You scored higher than 10% on N versus S
You scored higher than 2% on F versus T
You scored higher than 35% on J versus P
The Best Personality Type for You Test written by
unpretentious2 on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Hey that's exactly what I want! Pretty sweet.
I'm so tired! There's no school tomorrow; it's time to celebrate.