May 31, 2009 00:14
- 01:44 done dancing... sleep! then apt hunting in the morning :) #
- 13:40 is apt hunting. Yay orlando! #
- 15:10 found an apt she loves! Now to find a job. #
- 18:17 is enjoying dinner with her mom. Yay for 2 for 1 drinks. #
- 22:28 thinks 408 has too many tolls #
May 30, 2009 00:05
- 07:13 hopin for a better day today... #
- 11:21 its a nice day out today. Maybe it wont rain #
- 13:59 actually had a good idea for a unit plan in her social studies methods class. . . #
- 18:56 on my way to orlando and its raining :-( #
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May 29, 2009 00:07
- 23:27 cant sleep. . . #
- 01:05 its over. And just because its for the best doesnt make it any less depressing. Anyone wanna let me sleep on their couch this weekend? #
- 08:00 @ birthdayzoot thanks :-) #
- 08:11 would really like someone to talk to...but doesn't know if she has anything to say yet. #
- 14:43 has 26 kindergarteners all to herself. Oh joy. #
May 27, 2009 00:06
- 07:58 is going to bomb this test. Great way to start off my last semester #
- 10:18 Please retweet: just signed petition 'The Gilmore Girls Season 8 Petition' - 301.to/3h #
- 14:07 wishes she had someone to talk to about how she feels right now. #
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May 26, 2009 00:05
- 02:53 had lots of fun sing-alongs on the way home from the grotto #
- 15:00 might need to rethink some things #
- 17:51 has to drive through some nasty rain to get back to jax. . . #
- 17:53 forget about the driving. . . Too much rain. Guess im stuck in orlando for a bit #
- 22:06 stuck in limbo once again. . . what to do this time? #
May 23, 2009 00:07
- 09:35 really dislikes her 6 hour class on teaching social studies but is focusing on happy thoughts of the weekend #
- 17:57 really hates driving in the rain #
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May 22, 2009 00:13
- 07:56 15 days of work left. I really need to find a job. #
- 09:50 class is almost over and I'm still damp from the last time I walked through the rain #
- 12:18 is so so so EXCITED about SYTYCD tonight! #
- 15:44 somehow got stuck in 4th grade today. . . :-/ #
- 19:03 AHHHHHHHHHHHHH SYTYCD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. lol #
May 21, 2009 00:20
- 13:26 is there any part of florida not getting drowned? #
- 13:59 6 kids out today. That means only 21 kindergarteners to deal with. #
- 20:16 is excited the week is almost over, but is not excited that she has a paper due on friday #
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May 20, 2009 00:11
- 08:41 is wishing she was still in SC, instead of class. #
- 11:07 is hungry..please let me out of class now. #
- 11:15 yay class is out 15 minutes early!! food time. #
- 11:28 Probably looks ridiculous walking around with her pants rolled up to her knees. There was a good reason for this until she got soaked a ... #
- 16:42 is tired of the rain. . . #
May 19, 2009 23:04
- 09:41 is wishing she was still in SC, instead of class. #
- 12:07 is hungry..please let me out of class now. #
- 12:15 yay class is out 15 minutes early!! food time. #
- 12:28 Probably looks ridiculous walking around with her pants rolled up to her knees. There was a good reason for this until she got soaked a ... #
- 17:42 is tired of the rain. . . #