This entry is going to be very sad. On my part at least. So, if you want to save yourself from being bored by my misery...dont read this
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STOP SAYING YOUR FAT KATY!!! YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE CRAZY!!! ((not suppose to sound mean)) lol! Look, first off.. ou have a BILLION more chances you pass. you actually have 6. which is plunty. lol. Katy, you were probably just stressed to much. I didnt study for it. because i know for a fact, you cant study for math test. its impossible. expecially if you odnt know what EXACTLY is going to b eon it. I was lucky and got the version that was heavy on Geometery. Im realllly good at Geom. and you know that. lol You probably just got a test that was heavy on somethyin you didnt know, or arent good at. Atleast you didnt fail both!^___^ And you have good grades! Thats great! ^__^ Do you wanna hang out tomorrow night or anything? ^__^ Dont stress about Fcat katy. It really isnt THAT big of a deal. Youll pass it. Just dont stress and you will. promise! ^___^ Anywyass.. im going to go eat my sub.. then probably call you then cindy, or cindy then you.. i dont know! it all matters! ^__^ lool! ttys! I loveee youuu!!
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