So... does the fact that I opened up OOorg Calc and starting writing a spreadsheet to keep track of the berries I have planted and the amount in my bags mean anything?
Perhaps one day I'll come up with a simple way to add in the location.
Perhaps one day if I focus on doing what I'm supposed to rather than distract myself with talking to i.e.
6_05 or playing Pokemon I'll learn to program a little better and I can write a simple app that can handle all of this. This book I'm trying to read focuses on python, I'm thinking C/C++ might be better for that but I have no idea really.
I don't really understand why they didn't build this feature into the game with the poketech. I mean, there's a map that shows when a berry is ripe for picking. Why not go a step further and have a chart showing which berries are planted and where. Just have a magnifying glass feature on that map and display info from zooming in on the top screen?
I also don't like the overly simple 0x, .5x, 1x, 2x, and 4x multipliers for move effectiveness. I think the max should be 2x maybe. Maybe when properly EV trained with proper moves, strategy and equal levels fights can last longer but I don't know yet as I have never had the patience to train to lv100. I might this time around though. I still think it'd only take a 1-3 hits to knock someone out that's weak against the opponent's type. With the ease of gaining currency in the new games I'd like to see more complex math behind this for longer fights that earn more exp. it's almost a waste of time, not to mention entirely dull running through some grass and knocking something out around your level in one hit. It takes more time to load the screens than actually battle which is just obnoxious if you ask me.
Maybe I play WoW too much and want to turn a handheld game into an MMORPG... but wouldn't that be fraking sick? XD
I'd also like to be able to carry more pokemon at all times, 8-12 maybe. I mean, we carry so much stuff in our bags like a bicycle!, dozens of balls and medicine. Though. I imagine most of these things actually can be small and maybe the technology in these parts has been around long enough for it to become less expensive. That's got to be the case if they can build so much into a wrist watch and have devices that shrink living creatures and sustain them for any given period of time and can automatically teleport the pokeballs from wherever, without a huge machine to a given computer.
Now that's some technology I'd like to get my hands on and study. I actually wouldn't be too surprized to see something like this in the next century or two. We're already on our way. They've shot atoms a few nano seconds into the past, so I consider that to be a start, it's not exactly the same thing but it's the only example I can come up with at the moment. Actually, wtf, that's completely different but my point still stands that we can travel in awesome ways.
What was I saying...? Oh yea..
I think it'd be awesome if the pokemon could learn 6 or 8 moves. There's just so many and it would really add a lot of depth to the fights if more could just create weather effects or status effects and have more than one or two useful moves. More of them could alter their stats, and with longer fights it's actually worth it to have these moves. Some have abilities that can change the outcome of a fight with different weather effects and some things are just fun as well as useful like stealing/destroying held items.
Speaking of held items I'd like to be able to use one type of berry and one of something else. With the more complex math and less overpowered damage weaknesses/strengths this wouldn't be too OP and again, it'd draw out fights and just keep things interesting.
Another great feature would to have everything customizable. All the previous GUI etc features. I was more than just a handful of styles for boxes and more avatar choices as well as the ability to have a longer name and maybe after defeating the pokemon league a title, the one chosen on our trainer cards. I'd like to always have my first slot pokemon follow me around so I could talk to it and I want way more flexibility with the lower touch screen. I know the DS and I imagine the 3DS is powerful enough to handle some smart phone-esq stuff so let's take full advantage of it. What I mean by this is better navigation mostly. I don't enjoy clicking a dozen times to find one thing. Also, I'd like to be able to pick and choose what goes down there.
I think I basically want a more robust engine for the games. I also realize that some of these features would break backwards compatibility with the older games that are currently out there unless Nintendo/Game Freak thought of some of these and planned ahead, but, if they did, why not just include them?
I really should stop blabbing about a stupid kids game and get back to learning how to do this stuff so I can make awesome games. Hopefully I can come up with my own ideas rather than just adding on to others but, hey, this is a good direction to be heading towards. :)
Ever since I was little I wanted to "make video games." Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Enchilada are to blame for this I think. A few years ago I read that it's possible to create GBA-quality games easily from any regular machine. While I thought that was amazing, it still wasn't enough to push me into getting started with anything. Pigspace etc are to blame for that. I'm just going to blame them anyway because I don't like them.
Oh, and I was reading an article somewhere that basically said that it's more rewarding to switch tasks often rather than focus on actually getting anything done because of chemicals released in our brains. I lost the article so go look it up yourselves. That's something for another post anyway.