F i r s t s
First best friend: Stacey Leach
First car: what car?
First screen name: babykelz89
First self purchased album: ph hell if i knew
First funeral: never been to one
First pets: my dog Lotti
First enemy: Jon
First big trip: i really dont have a good memory
First music you remember hearing in your house: ..at all
First crush: Danny S.
l a s t s
Last funeral: never been to one
Last cigarette: year ago?
Last car ride: 10 minutes ago, driving home from volleyball
Last good cry: suprisingly, last night. havent cried in a really long time except for then. the last time before that would have to be snowball.
Last movie seen: napolean dynomite
Last beverage drank: cherry icee from burger king!! yea LM!
Last food consumed: chicken strips from wendys maybe?
Last crush: that im over, mike. not my crush now though.
Last phone call: matt! hes home!!
Last time showered: havent yet, about to after im done with this.
Last shoes worn: adidas sandals
Last item bought: tiffanys rings. last purchase for a lonnggg time.
Last time scolded: ...dont remember
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your very best friends?: david, julie, matt, steph and pia
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
03. if so what is his/her name?: --
04. how long have you been going out?: --
05. if no do you have a crush?: yea
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop?: eh to shop, express or victorias secret. i mostly just wear my t-shirts though =)
02. any tattoos or piercings?: like...hmm...9 earings, but thats all
s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs?: fuck no.
02. what kind of shampoo do you use?: brilliant brunette. ever tried it? it smells good =) haha
03. what are you most scared of ?: losing the people closet to me over things that arent necissary
04. what are you listening to right now?: cd my sister gave me
05. where do you want to get married?: my old church in Gurnee
06. How many buddies are online right now?: uhhh..42 if i can count right
07. what would you change about yourself?: will to work harder
f a v o r i t e s
01. color: black and light blue or light blue and lime green..or orange. gah i dont know i like em all.
02. food: hmmm...candy = gummy bears. thats a food.
03. boys' names: dont know at the moment
04. girls' names: dont know at the moment
05. subjects in school: definatly NOT astronomy.
06. animals: dogs i guess
07. sports
to play: used to be volleyball
to watch: football, baseball, and hockey
08. perfume: haha lets see out of the 16 i have...connections and romance
09. cologne: right now, the one davids mom got him for Christmas. good work mrs. vb!
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. taken a bath with someone? ..when i was like 1 if that counts =)
02. smoked? cigarettes. never will again thank you very much.
03. made yourself throw up?: when i was sick
04. skinny dipped?: yea
05: been in love?: yea
06. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: who hasnt?
07. pictured a crush naked?: dont think so
08. actually seen a crush naked? no
09. cried when someone died?: yes. alot.
10. lied?: show me one person in this world who has never died and i will give them...a million dollars...well if i had that much money
12. fallen for your best friend?: haha. yea.
13. been rejected?: yea
14. rejected someone?: yea
15. used someone?: no
16. done something you regret?: ill give this person 2 million!
c u r r e n t
clothes: haha volleyball clothes
make-up: whatevers left over from earlier today haha
annoyance: knowing i have to shower when i get done with this
smell: icee
favorite artist: always was toby keith. dont listen to him that much anymore but used to be obsessed haha
desktop picture: hold on let me minamize..a pine tree thing covered in snow (picture julie took) with a red border.
dvd in player: ....let me check....theres not one in there! i checked just for that geezzz
l a s t | p e r s o n
hugged: david
you imed: LM =)
a r e | y o u
open minded: most the time
arrogant: can be
interesting: haha id say so
moody: definatly can be
hardworking: depends on what im working on/for
organized: when it comes to school..yea...but my bedroom hahahah no.
healthy: nope cant say that i am.
attractive?: i really dont care if i am or not.
bored: a little
responsible: yea id say so
obsessed: with what...?
angry: not at the moment
sad: eh cant say i am
disappointed: well, i guess alittle.
hyper: nope
trusting: i think so
talkative: haha i talk to much. its even worse when me and julie are together...which is alot haha
legal: ...not really for anything no.
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: no one
slap: im not really a violent person
look like: myself i dont care
talk to online: no one in particular
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: coke. although i havent drank soda in a few months. yah go me. and the bears game doesnt count.
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: taller
thick or thin: doesnt matter
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: not a happy camper
all i need is: more sleep
last person you danced with: ph hell if i knew
worst question to ask: oh my god, did you know you have two different colored eyes?! no i had no freaking idea thanks for letting me know
who makes you laugh the most: julie cause shes funny, david cause he makes me feel dumb, and steph cause shes cute haha
who makes you smile: my friends
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: the person i happen to like
who do you have a crush on: the person that i like
who has a crush on you: i think the person that i like
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: no, id rather sleep. they end up waking me up at 3 am calling me anyways.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: id be easier but i dont care im not complaining.
wish you were younger: no
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: gosh um..3 maybe
of hearts i have broken: guys ive hurt bad in the past by being a dumbass...i think 2
of guys i've kissed: um, more then i probally should have..?
of girls i've kissed: ?
of continents i have lived in: you can narrow it down to states and it would still be 1
of tight friends: 3 or 4
of cds i own: now i might just have to count these too, only cause this is the last question and i have to shower after this...84 in my stack thingy, so probally round it off to 90. yea im the only nerd that still buys cds. im keeping the damn music industry alive!