comment with your favorite childhood memory!! dont bother reading about my weekend (which im putting in a cut because its longgg), start typing!
this weekend was pretty much kick ass!! i love kim! yea its so funny how i meet all these kids on spring break in a whole different country and they come out of state and visit me =). well friday i went to go meet up with her and follow her back to hotel to meet her family. which is the coolest family i have ever met they are sooo funny! i met her uncle and cousin through the elevator doors cause we got there and the elevators had signs on them said that they were out of order..and well yea they were definatly out of order cause they were stuck in them! then we droveee allll the way back to my house and we went to blockbuster and got some movies. kim passed out and tommy called at like 12 wanting to talk to so i went outside from like 12-1:15 and was talking to him. then saturday during the day we did nothing because my sister is a bitch and took the car even though she wasnt supposed to. but then we ended up getting the car at like 7 and we went to panera with julie, adam and josh. we went back to julies for a little. then me and kim decided to be realllyyy cool and go to the midnight star wars!! it was sooo great. we went and got amp before, then blastteddd lucky boys confusion then entire way there and back. i love yoda!!!!!! then after the movie we went to chris's house for like 15 minutes (at 3am i have no idea why he's not sleeping!) then we sat and talked till i passed the fuck out at 4:30. today when i was taking her back to her hotel =( we decided we just hadddd to stop at the super target =) because she doesnt have a supertarget in harper woods! sad, i know. we had a nice chat in the car, and listened to lbc then too. actually, we only listened to lbc the whole weekend. it was amazing. well shes gone now. im sad. cannot wait to go visit her & dan in michigan once i get out of school!!!!! this is ridiculously long!