heyy, yeah so the past week hm ive had a huge ass dot thing on my eye and i thought it was a just a simple sty thing. which was pretty funny cause the first two days it was all swollen and i looked like i hada black eye and poeple would ask what happened and id say i got into a fist fight [hah<3] pretty funny, anyway. it got worse. i wake up and
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What is your favorite: 1. Gum: Spearmint; or Grapermelon Juicyfruit! 2. Restaurant: it was friendlys since i was like four, but Chilli's is "soo the new frienlys"=P 3. Drink: water, love it<3
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hmm.. hey hey hey, how werid is this. i have been having what i think is one of the worst months of my life, and i wake up this morning and i say too myself. nickie. you're rediculous. yes things havent been working out, and alot of fights ahve happened.. and alot of friends arent as true as they appear too be. yes you dont talk too you're best
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i...dont....know. DOES ANYBODY NOTICE HOW SAD IVE BEEN?! i don't fucking think so.. either you're all oblivious or just dont give a shit. probably the 2nd one. its alright though. i dont need pity, sympathy or any of that 2faced untrue bullshit. so yeah. this has been by far one of the worst months i think of my stupid ass teenage life. i've never
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im gone, ive been a wreck for the past few days and nobody seems too notice, or even care. ive been crying alot when im alone. and i don't know if im going to be able too put on an act mcuh longer. i feel so alone, and its not because i justf eel it, i actually am. nobody understands or at least trys to. every single person that actually means
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i just.. feel terrible.. i feel as if i don't have anybody anymore. i dont give a shit about all the fake only talk too you when others do people. but the ones who really were my best friends and people i truley would have done anything for just completely cut me out of there life. i dont have neone nemore. i have my cousin and my sister. thats
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one question: why the hell are all girls such bitches, whores, and just two faced? it's one thing i don't understand. so if you have an answer - im me with it . <3 .
listening too music - the only thing in this world that makes ANY sense what so ever
people are so fucking retarded.fucking i swear. i'm just in the worst fucking mood ever. i had a shitty week and friday wasnt much better. i mean im not mad at them, but i was annoyed that i never get too see em out of school and the one time i really do, they were arguing with eachother all night in a seperate room, and yes i appriciated how one
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