Title:Aisoku, Aiyoku, Tomi, Baiyakusumi .
Chapter: 2/3
Pairings: Die x Shinya. Kaoru x Shinya[Main]. Kyo x Shinya. Die x Toshiya. Kyo x Toshiya. Kaoru x Toshiya.[slight]
Comment: well, it took a loooooooooooooooooong while but I did the second part :3 I hope you like it.
As the weeks past the house changed. Kaoru started talking more, being more affectionate to Shinya as well. Die and Kyo noticed this but kept quiet, they were just happy that he wasn't over working himself like he usually would. What they didn't know was that Kaoru was actually just afraid that one of them would try and claim Shinya before he had a chance too. Sure, Die was the one who got Shinya into their house but Kaoru was glad that he did. Now he could claim Shinya to be his own. Not straight away but within time. Even when he had sex with Toshiya he imagined it being Shinya calling out his name, not Toshiya.
Toshiya too noticed the change in Kaoru’s behaviour, seeing him smile and laugh while being with Shinya. It made him angry, he couldn't help it. He had always had a thing for Kaoru, ever since he had started working there he had fallen for Kaoru. He wasn't going to lose him to an amateur like Shinya.
“Shiiiiiiiiinya, the bathroom needs cleaning~”
“Oh, I’ll do that now, Toshiya.”
Shinya walked up into the bathroom where Toshiya stood outside. Once Shinya walked in the door closed on him. He didn’t take much notice of it then and just carried on mopping the marble floor. Toshiya giggled from the other side of the door, flicking the lock from the outside then skipped down the stairs. It was only him and Shinya home as the others were out working at the company.
Just as Shinya had finished cleaning the bathroom he smiled with satisfaction, his hand rested on his hip, holding a sponge in the other. He walked over to the door then realised it wouldn’t open and started calling out for Toshiya who just smiled mischievously from the sofa downstairs.
“Moou… Toshiya? Did he go out? Ne… guess I’ll have to wait until everyone comes home.”
Shinya leaned against the door, cuddling himself as it got darker and colder. Noone came nor did he hear anyone actually in the house. The bathroom was actually sound proof for privacy but Shinya didn’t know this. He gazed round the room, rubbing furiously at his arms and legs for warmth, unknowing that Die, Kyo and Kaoru had actually came home a good few hours ago.
He got up and started walking round the large bathroom, touching the towels and staring at him reflection in the wall mirror beside the shower. He tried to turn the light switch on but after many flicks of the switch, no luck was had. There was no bulb in any of the hanging lights. Once it got really dark, Shinya decided to try and phone the house but his phone was out of battery. Kaoru bought him the phone to keep in touch incase he needed a lift from work. Shinya was getting very close to Kaoru. The older man wouldn’t say much in public or when others were around, but there have been a few times where he would be very gentle with Shinya and affectionate. Shinya would find little presents sitting round in random places from the man, making him smile in delight as Kaoru would watch from afar without letting him know until later. After that first night at the house he’d walk downstairs every night to see Kaoru, who too waited for him. Sometimes they’d cuddle up on the sofa and watch a movie in the silent company of eachother. A lot had changed for Shinya over the few months. He had to get used to being kissed by all the heirs, just randomly. Even now he’d have to have sex with them, well only Die and Kyo so far.
It was now late, about 11pm and noone came home, well that’s what he thought. Shinya, giving up on anyone being able to hear his pleading shouts and yells fell onto his side from hunger and dehydration, mumbling to himself.
Toshiya smiled, cuddling up to Kaoru as he worked on his sheets, ignoring the blue-head attached to his arm. He gazed up at the people in the living room, counting them then stopping to raise his head.
“Where’s Shinya?”
Die and Kyo raised there heads from the television, glancing round the room in search of the blonde man. They looked at eachother and left the room, Kaoru reaching into his pocket to take out his mobile. Calling Shinya’s number. Once he got straight to the answering service he jumped off the sofa, letting Toshiya fall down onto his seat, pouting angrily.
The three men ran up and down stairs, bursting into rooms then slamming doors, ending up standing in front of eachother of in the middle of the hall, panting rapidly as they spoke.
“I can’t find him anywhere!”
“Do you think he would have went home?”
“No, he can’t anyways. He was bought remember?”
Die nodded and walked into the room where Toshiya sat. Kyo continued to look downstairs as Kaoru breathed deeply, closing his eyes, biting his lip as he thought.
His eyes shot open as he breathed out, running up the stairs to the bathroom. Banging on the door he tried to open it but seen the lock from the outside was on, not the inside. Squinting at it he flicked it off, bursting into the bathroom, slipping and falling onto the ground. He gave a pained expression, rubbing his backside as his eyes moved over to the cause. A wet sponge…being held by-
Kaoru rushed over to the blonde lying on the wet ground, his cheeks red and body cold. He shook him gently, whispering his name as Die ran through the door, grabbing onto the frame to stop himself from falling on his face. He was joined by Kyo who popped in from under his arm. Kaoru heard Shinya murmur, sighing in relief he embraced him in his arms and carried him out of the bathroom, glaring at Toshiya as he passed him on the landing. Toshiya clenched his fists as he watched Kaoru kick his bedroom door open, cradling the unconscious body in his arms then kissing Shinya’s forehead. Toshiya narrowed his eyes as he was led back downstairs by Kyo, mumbling under his breath.
“I’ll get rid of you one way or another, Shinya.”
Shinya gasped as Die handed him a uniform for one of the biggest universities around. He didn’t have to pay for it nor was he even notified about it either. Only hearing that he was to go to school with them that morning.
“Yeah, Yoshiki doesn’t find it fair that Toshiya gets to go to school and you don’t so, now you do!”
“Wow….I can’t wait!”
Die smiled, shooing Shinya upstairs to get dressed, Kaoru watching from the kitchen table with a smile , Kyo too, but not Toshiya.
Once they arrived Shinya couldn’t believe his eyes, the building was practically three times the size of their house. What didn’t surprise him was the amount of people that crowded round the three heirs and Toshiya. They were rich, handsome and popular, what did he expect. Shinya went to walk off from the group of bubbly girls and guys just as his arm was pulled in the other direction, a blind fold covering his eyes.
“W-What?! What’s going on?”
“Oh, we’re just gonna teach you a little lesson, Shin-Chan.”
“Shin? Who are you, and how do you know me?”
“Let’s just say…..a little bird told us.”
Shinya’s words were cut off as he felt himself being pushed, falling onto the gravel, stones sticking and scratching at his face. He winced, whimpering as he tried to push himself up but had someone stomp a boot into his back, making him cough up blood, he couldn’t tell, but it was painful. Groaning he felt himself being kicked, pulled and tossed as the voices round him were taunting. Shinya was pulled up onto his wobbling feet, struggling to stand by himself from the impact. Having the blindfold removed from his view he seen he was in front of the school steps. Before he knew it he was pushed off the edge, rolling down them, using his arms to protect himself the best he could. He rolled off the last step onto the pebble pathway, pulling his knees to his chest as he touched his many wounds. He cried out feeling his shoulder being gripped, it was pure agony, why was he being treated so badly., he hadn’t done anything wrong, had he?
“That’ll teach you to mess with other people’s emotions!”
“Huh?- GAH!”
The person grabbed a fistful of his blonde locks, forcing him to look up at the owner with tear-filled eyes.
“Awwh, slut gonna cry?”
Biting his lip which was already burst and bruised he held back a loud cry as he felt a sharp smack to his cheek, leaving it red and hot. He could hear the group laughing at him, pointing at him as they jeered. He wanted to run away but he couldn’t. He couldn’t move, it hurt.
Shinya gazed over behind the girl who turned out of his view. Kaoru was running towards him, his face holding great concern. He knelt down by Shinya, a thumb coming up to stroke the blood-stained cheek. Shinya choked out as he spoke to the older man.
“Shssh, be quiet.”
Kaoru stood up, glaring at the group of girls who looked too stunned to do anything. He pointed at them in vain, breathing deeply, his muscles rigid.
“How dare you do something like this to anyone! Don’t you have any sense? You could have seriously harmed Shinya, or nonetheless killed!”
“Gomen, Kao. We were only trying to-”
“No, not sorry. You should have never done something so rash!”
The girls twiddled their thumbs as Kaoru lifted Shinya into his arms, carrying him inside the school building.
They sat in the nurses office, Kaoru gently cleaning and disinfecting Shinya’s wounds as he winced, making Kaoru flinch with worry, giving an apologetic smile. Shinya smiled weakly, breathing out slowly , holding his breath when it came to a painful wound. Kaoru bowed his head, tending to the ones on his legs.
“I’m sorry, people in school aren’t usually like that.”
“It wasn’t your fault. I guess I’m just not liked here.”
“Don’t say that!”
“I mean…they’re probably.. Just jealous. I mean, how could anyone hate you? I mean-”
Shinya smiled, bending down, pecking him on the cheek and smiled sweetly as the other blushed.
“I know what you mean…”
Kaoru smiled up at him, squeezing his hand gently, taking his lips innocently. What they didn’t know was that Toshiya was behind the door, watching everything, fuming and clenching his fists tightly so his nails dug into his palms, causing the skin to break and bleed.
“Why not me?”
Shinya, Kyo and Die sat in their clubroom watching the television. Shinya was cuddled up to Die’s arm as Kyo resting his head on his lap as Shinya stroked his hair. Shinya smiled against Die’s touch, it was nice to have the three men treat him so gently, it made a change from his first week of school. Being thrown down stairs, locked in the lockers, being pushed into the pool, having things thrown at him, his desk disappearing with all his belongings. It wasn’t the best days of his life so far.
They all stared at the screen as it flicked onto web cam settings. They all blinked at eachother and stared inventively at it, watching as the school was quite empty until the spotted Kaoru walk past.
“What’s going on?”
“….OH! Shinya, weren’t you to get something off the principal?”
“I was, well that’s what the note said.”
“Yeah,… I was left a note but Kaoru said he’d go for me.”
“…The principal never leaves notes.”
Just as the finished speaking they heard a loud crash, the screen gaining their attention once again. Kaoru was on the ground with Toshiya, one of the hall lights hanging from the ceiling, moving back and forth.
“What the-”
“Huh, what’s going on? What happened? Are they hurt?”
Die and Kyo looked at eachother then at Shinya then back at eachother again, biting their lips at the oblivious bl0nde sitting with them. Die and Kyo left the room, telling Shinya to stand by the front gate and wait for them. As done, Kyo and Die walked down the hall towards a very pissed off Kaoru and a stuttering Toshiya. They joined in on Kaoru’s glaring, speaking with a serious tone.
“You’re gone too far now, Toshiya.”
Shinya ran into the kitchen, playfully jumping and giggling away from the red-haired man who growled as he smirked, leaning on the table, trying to catch the other. Kyo laughed at the pair and their game.
“You’re gonna have to leave this kitchen at some point, Shinny.”
“Yes but I can wait!”
Die ran round the other side of the table, grabbing Shinya by the waist, getting a yelp out of the younger man, starting to kiss his neck in a playful manner. Toshiya walked in, rolling his eyes he ignored the two men, sitting down at the table. Shinya still never found out that it was Toshiya who was harming him in school, leading that horrible group but he had noticed ever since that web cam incident that he was no longer bullied. He preferred it that way.
Although he has noticed Die’s change in behaviour. He’s become more flirty in a way, if that was even possible. But to Shinya it was just all too confusing. There were three heirs and only one of him. Who was he to end up with in the end with all these mixed and scattered emotions? He liked Die from the start, he was funny, masculine and fit with a friendly personality. Kyo was something else. He was cute, small, but not exactly husband material. And then there was Kaoru. He was charming but cold but with a sense of maturity and protection around him. Kaoru , he was indescribable to the naked eye but deep down he was much more. He was professional, calm, mature, hardworking, manly, warm but hidden. He had caught Shinya’s attention first and maybe that’s what’s pulling Shinya apart inside. Knowing he might be spilt from Kaoru’s side.
Shinya has had sex with all of them, but Kaoru especially surprised him after what Toshiya had told him. Kaoru was so different, he wasn’t cold or harsh. He was gentle, sweet and affectionate towards him, not wanting to hurt his fragile being. Shinya decided to talk to Toshiya about it and then too was Toshiya shocked and hurt at the same time but didn’t show it to the younger one.
“He was different from Kyo and Die, Toshiya. So caring and understanding. He made me feel so wonderful, you know?”
“Yeah,… I know what you mean.”
Once Shinya left Toshiya began to sob quietly to himself, not wanting himself to be heard by the others. He let his make-up get ruined, running down his now blotchy skin.
“Why Kaoru? Why didn’t you ever ask me if I was in pain, if I was ready. Why didn’t you whisper sweet things into my ears and kiss my lips sweetly as I cried? Why is it Shinya, the one you care for and not….me.”