this weekend was a big NONO
-bacardi....lots of it
-bad stuff
-colby,ashley,cary,derrick,jess,chichi,tdawg,other sweet ppl
-the sweet shed in back of derrick/colby/ashleyE's house
-family guy
-peer pressure
-boyfriends house
-not seeing my bro=(
-not actually hanging out with anyone becuase of bacardi
-no chasers.meh
-bad news..super bad news
-definately not going home
-waking up..not clothed in bed
-waking up still trashed
-hangover from hell
-lots of pot
-febreeze w/ colby
-geting electricuted by marcell0 a million times[OW]
-geting uber-mad & almost walking home late
-more sucky stuff
-geting bitched @ by mom
-friends being friends
-new friends
-not going home--staying @ boyfriends
-important talks
-going to see joey D @ work--pizzahut--mm wings
-goodbye $$
-my bby [tiffany--yorki] maybe geting sold!!!=(=(=(
-mean mother in laws
-david picking me up in air and walking down street
-ppl being prego[pregnant]
-house full of hispanics in boyfriends house
-resolving manymanymanymany problems
-missing my friends
-being a friend
-going home
-boyfriend staying over