Original post was deleted.
…here are my two cents on Ichiruki, inspired by my distaste of the past two chapters.
Before I get going here, I ship Ichigo x Tatsuki (EDIT: To clarify as a prefered pairing, but I honestly don’t even bother shipping Ichigo, Rukia or Orihime anymore. So…what do I care?_. Not Orihime, not Rukia. So calling me out on shipping Ichihime is rather useless, no?
I am here to simply to prove WHY this ship is non existent, and why it will never be.
What's non-existent? IchiTats? Or IchiHime? Because IchiRuki has a million times more evidence than both of those combined.
1. Non-canon material does not count - such as spread sheets, movies, fillers ect., The ONLY canon source is the manga itself.
"Spread sheets"? Do you mean fan-made excel sheets listing the plethora of IchiRuki scenes? Or do you mean colorspreads, which are penned by the mangaka himself and therefore count as canon material as well?
2. When they first met, Ichigo kicks Rukia, assuming she is a thief, and quickly calls Isshin up to see her, but he does not. Their first meeting shows not only did Ichigo NOT believe her, but he was obviously not happy with her, insulting her. Rukia, angered by him, binds him with a kido spell. How is that “love at first sight”?
Lolwut? Are you serious with this argument? Because Ichigo didn't fall in love with Rukia the second he saw her, the ship is never going to happen? Do you understand how love works?
3. During the fight with Grand Fisher, and Rukia runs up to Ichigo to make sure he’s ok, all I saw was a girl worried for her friend. She had also remembered Kaien - and what happened with him. There was no romance on her part there. She was simply worried that Ichigo was dying, because he had told her he wanted to fight the Grand Fisher himself without her interference, which started very similar to Kaien’s battle, and later death.
The Grand Fisher fight was the moment I started shipping IchiRuki. I obviously picked up on some vibes here:
Why does this look so familiar? Oh yeah...
Look at that, the girl who is supposedly "just friends" with Ichigo acting in the exact same way as the girl who is in love with Ichigo. Hmmm...
4. When Rukia is running away from Ichigo’s house, she has a flashback where Mihana asks Rukia if she likes Ichigo. She’s so shocked by the question that she spits out her juice, and asks, “What?” Obviously, wondering where the thought would even come from, further proved by when Ichigo was trying to stay away from her due to all the rumors about them, and it is noted beside Rukia that is “oblivious to the rumors”, which, makes sense that she would be surprised. She denies it, only confirming that Ichigo is her friend, and nothing more.
Your arguments are seriously hilarious. First of all, you do realize this was in like chapter 50-something, and right now the manga is on 570? Even if Rukia has absolutely no feelings for Ichigo (which is not the case. I'm not even going to bother to explain why Rukia felt the need to disconnect herself from everyone emotionally and that was her "fake" side anyway, you clearly can't read manga so it would be wasted on you.
5. After Rukia leaves for the Soul Society, Ichigo wants to save her to “repay the debt he owes her”. Not out of any romantic feelings, but because she had saved his life, and he feels he should do the same.
Once again, your inability to read manga is showing:
What's that word right there? He WANTED to save her? B-but that's not related to his debt?!?!?
6. After arriving in Soul Society, and Ganju’s sudden departure, Ichigo refuses to leave, wanting to wait to settle the score. He seems to forget about why he came to the Soul Society, until Yoruichi claws him, telling him that they came to save Rukia, and they had no time to waste. Basically, he thought that settling the score with Ganju was more important that hurrying to save Rukia.
Yes, Ichigo actually cares about his dumb fight with Ganju more than Rukia's life, good job. I mean, it's not like he showed intense determination to save her, overcoming certain death by people far stronger than he:
7. After being rescued by Yoruichi after his fight with Kenpachi, Ichigo heads to where Rukia, Ganju and Hanataro are. He walks past Rukia, and asks Hanataro how he is, and then goes to talk with Rukia, only to be berated by her - which I found somewhat rude.
Again, I'm not going to bother to get into the complexities of this scene and how Ichigo was clearly feeling something as he was avoiding Rukia's eyes. Instead I'm just going to point out why your argument is bullshit because you're implying here that he doesn't care about her and that's why he walked right past her, by again pointing out that he cares enough about her to risk his life many times over to save her because he WANTS to, and also point out that Rukia "berates" him for not doing as she said. She was trying to protect him, forbidding him from sacrificing herself for her because that's how much she cares about him. She was mad that he was "hurt all over." How unromantic.
8. Renji and Ichigo, obviously paralleled, are shown wanting to get stronger to rescue Rukia, although both for different reasons. Ichigo is not alone in his want to save her. Renji does, too.
Why for different reasons? Can you prove they are different? Nope, you can't, which is why you didn't. U mad Ichigo is paralleled with the guy that obviously loves her (much like Rukia is paralleled with Orihime?)
9. When fighting Byakuya, Orihime comments that to Ichigo, Rukia is very important. I don’t see how this is romantic, especially coming from Orihime herself, who likes Ichigo. From her POV, it seems like she believes there to be more to the relationship, when really, there isn’t. Also, when he finally rescued her, he threw her to Renji, holding her like a sac of potatoes.
Of course is is romantic, coming from Orihime. Why do you think she, of all people, is bothered by it? She wants to be close to Ichigo the way Rukia is, why is that? If the girl who loves him wants to be in Rukia's place, that says quite a bit about Rukia's relationship to Ichigo, at least to those of us with common sense.
As for the sac of potatoes argument, would you describe the way Issshin held his future wife Masaki like a sac of potatoes?
(Fanart by
10. Once Ichigo is ready to leave the Soul Society, he thinks that Rukia has “finally stopped the rain from falling.” I interpret that to mean that, because he met her, she was able to give him the power to protect his friends, something he somewhat lacked, and wanted. So, he was grateful to her, that’s all. And not to mention that, while they knew a battle with Aizen was coming up, I don’t think they intended on seeing each other until then. Both Rukia and Ichigo seemed fine to say good-bye.
What did you expect to happen? Ichigo went to go find Rukia to take her back with him. She decided to stay (to mend her healing relationships, which were better thanks to Ichigo, and to gain her powers back), so did you expect him to drag her back with him or demand she come? Maybe you'd have an argument if he left without even considering whether she was coming back with him...but that's not what happened.
11. After losing to Ulquiorra, and Rukia returns, she kicks a then-injured Ichigo. (Wow, how pitiful can you get, Rukia?) She then drags him off, once again berating him for his weakness, and then tells him to go to Orihime, and tell her that he would “protect her (Inoue)” next time.
And thereby cheers him up and completely drags him out of his depression. Once again we see Rukia "drying his rain," being the only one who can help him when he is down. What was your argument again?
12. After Rukia was injured by Grimmjow, his look of concern was, again, not love. Remember, Orihime and Chad had been badly injured on the fight before, and he probably still felt guilty about that. And then Rukia gets hurt, too. It looked more like he was upset with himself that another one of his friends has gotten hurt.
Hmm, then what was that look from Orihime? Why does she get SAD when thinking about that look right after she thinks about how Ichigo's relationship to Rukia is special?
13. When Ichigo leaves to train with the Vizards, he does NOT tell Rukia where he went.
And...? Is she his babysitter? Why does Ichigo not telling her mean anything at all?.
14. After Orihime goes to Hueco Mundo, and Ichigo finds out, he angrily reacts at Yamamoto’s words that she is dead or a traitor, and does not pay attention to Rukia as she is taken back to the Soul Society. The look given by Rukia is one of sadness, that she is upset what happened to Orihime, and that she can’t help Ichigo go save her.
Good job on Rukia's look, first time you've been right so far. But the rest is nonsense. Ichigo's not "paying attention" to Rukia being taken back to SS? Because he's not looking at her? You really can't read manga, can you?
15. After meeting Ichigo in Heuco Mundo, she and Renji both take turns hitting him and saying he should have waited for them. Ichigo responds saying he didn’t know if they would come or not. Rukia, once again, berates him, saying they are ‘nakama’ or, VERY GOOD FRIENDS who can rely on each other, and says she doesn’t want to say something so ‘pathetic’, again.
Enough with the "berating him" crap. That is the nature of their relationship, and both of them are fine with it. You literally never see Ichigo actually upset over how Rukia talks to him, in fact it's exactly the opposite where she cheers him up with her attitude and kicks.
Of course she said they are "nakama." What else would she say? They are not dating (yet).
16. When they enter the hallways with five different paths, Ichigo says they should stay together, only to have Renji say Rukia can take care of herself, and for Rukia to say that she does not need his (Ichigo’s) protection. Ichigo seemed to think Rukia was not strong enough to take care of herself, thusly, ‘insulting’ her. And Ichiruki’s think he saw them as equals, when it was RENJI who said Rukia was capable.
Nope, it's not her strength that he's concerned about. After all, Rukia is certainly stronger than Chad at the very least, but Ichigo wasn't worried about Chad, he was ONLY worried about Rukia. He wanted to protect her and her alone, despite the fact that there were four other people there that are also important to him.
17. After Ulquiorra says Rukia and 9th Espada killed themselves, Ichigo rushes to save her, only to be told by Ulquiorra that it was he himself who brought Orihime to Heuco Mundo. He forgets going to Rukia’s aid, and fights Ulquiorra instead.
He didn't "forget" anything:
He only fought Ulquiorra to get to Rukia, he wanted to do it quickly so he could get to Rukia, and as soon as he thought the fight was over, he immediately returned to his task of saving Rukia.
18.During the fight with Aizen, he reveals that the meeting with Rukia was planned by him. Not chance. Not destiny. Just Aizen’s plan.
Kubo seems to disagree with you...
And after the chapter where Aizen says that, we have a poem in resurrected Souls:
"When the two that share destiny part and reunite, beyond the frame of time, the ceased clock will awake and start to tick once again"
20. When Ichigo and Rukia say good-bye, they both look sad, but, by this point, the two are pretty much like SIBLINGS. So yes, it would make sense. Neither of their looks say, “I love you”. Just, “I’ll miss you, and see you again, someday, my friend.”
Haha, siblings. No, the girl who is more like a sibling to him is ORIHIME, not Rukia:
And Rukia looks at Renji, not Ichigo, like a sibling:
See how she groups Renji with her brother, and Ishida and Chad as "friends," but Ichigo gets his own special box/category?
Ichigo and Rukia do not see each other as siblings.
21. Keigo comments that Rukia should come visit, but Ichigo replies that she doesn’t have to, that she’s busy and things are as they should be. And, pardon me, he seems quite happy after the time skip. And is unable to remember that he dreamed about Byakuya, Renji and Rukia telling him to wake up.
"Quite happy" lol wow I am really wasting my time because you are as delusional as the worst type of org, even though you claim not to be one. So I guess Ichigo was also telling the truth when he said he didn't want his powers back? And yet he jumps at the first opportunity he gets to get them back, and doesn't just stop at the power he gets from his fullbring, but specifically wants his SHINIGAMI powers back. Gee, I wonder why.
22. When Ichigo remembers his pride as a shinigami, it is not just Rukia who shows up, but Renji, Orihime, Chad and Uryu as well.
None of those memories work. The only thought that actually works is the one of Rukia, and it wasn't a "pride" moment at all.
23. When Ichigo and Rukia meet again, she very cruelly kicks him, and, doing the only thing she can, berates him, rather sarcastically, meanly, to me. He ends up looking more bewildered than happy to see her.
"The only thing she can." You mean the only thing that always dries Ichigo's rain? Not surprised that you totally missed the look on Ichigo's face when he saw her, the fact that he stopped crying the moment he saw her, the fact that he doubted his own father, but trusted Rukia immediately, AND the fact that he looks quite happy here:
Look at those big crocodile tears he is crying over how meanie weanie Rukia is being!!!!111 Girl, plz learn how to read comix.
24. After her right with Riruka, when Riruka enters Rukia’s body, it is at Riruka’s movement, not Rukia’s, that shield Ichigo from the attack, as Riruka is showned injured, not Rukia.
Nope. Show me proof that Riruka has the ability to control people she jumps into. There is ZERO proof of that. On top of that, what is so surprising about Rukia jumping in front of Ichigo to protect him? She literally did it in chapter 1.
What makes you think she wouldn't do it again? But even putting that aside, Ichigo sees RUKIA jumping in front of him, regardless of whether it was Riruka or not (it wasn't). Look at his face when he thinks Rukia is in danger:
25. After the Stern Ritter attack Soul Society, Rukia AND Renji are mentioned by Akon to be ok. Not Rukia alone. Ichgo dismisses this, saying why he wasn’t worried.
Ichigo does have other people in his life that he cares about besides Rukia. That doesn't diminish her importance to him. And yes, it's sooo in-character for Ichigo to go, "Thank goodness!!! I was losing my mind with worry!!!!"
26. When in the Royal Realm, and seeing Rukia’s bottom, he looks annoyed at Kirenji’s comment that it looked like a peach. Remember, he’s seen Yorucihi naked, TWICE, and blushed all red. He also tried to peek when Matsumoto was lifting her skirt, and unbuttoning her shirt, but Rukia didn’t seem the least bit jealous, even saying, “If you are not interested, why are you peeking?” She looked more like she was questioning him. And he only go a very slight blush, not at looking at her, but at Kirenji’s comment.
He bushed as much at her as he did at Yoruichi:
and he blushed at the sexual pun as much as he blushed at Rangiku:
It's quite enough, considering that's how much Isshin blushed at naked Masaki:
I looooove when origos try to deny this blush, it's SO funny to me. Of course Ichigo would blush at a naked girl's ass. It doesn't mean he loves her, but she is a naked girl, and he is a teenage boy! He'd blush no matter whose ass it was, including Orihime (of course Kubo would never draw a scene like that, but that's a different issue...). But when they try so hard to deny this, it's obvious how threatened they are by IchiRuki. Can't say I blame them.
27. When Ichigo finds out he cannot get Zangestu back, he thinks that he cannot face INOUE or CHAD when he goes back to them. No mention of Rukia.
Ichigo spends the entire FB arc trying not to think of Rukia, so that's no surprise. Anyway, what's your point? He only thinks of the two people important to him? What about Ishida? Renji? His other friends from SS?
28. When Kyoraku tells Tatstuki and friends Ichigo may be unable to return to the living world, do you really think, that as long as he was able, he WOULDN’T live in Karakura? As someone once said, if he stayed in the SS, Rukia’s “non-existent” love would not be enough for him. He’d leave behind his family, friends, home, life, goals and dreams JUST to be with Rukia? I don’t think so. They’ve parted ways many times, and each time, BOTH were fine with it. Even if he had to remain in the Soul Society, it would NOT be because he wanted to be with Rukia, but that he had no choice but to stay there.
They are never "both fine with it." Did you skip the FullBring arc completely? Ichigo spends the entire arc moping around because he misses his powers AND RUKIA. His poem (oh wait, that's not canon for you, right? Because it gets in the way of your denial?) "I wonder if I can keep up with the speed of the world without you in it" is obviously about her, and it says everything about how wrong you are. Ichigo NEEDS Rukia in his life.
Who said anything about him staying in SS for her? She has nothing to do with it. It's about his power, and also where he belongs. As you may or may not have grasped, Kubo is foreshadowing how things will be with the tickets he gives Ichigo's friends. His family and friends will be able to visit him. As for his goals and dreams, what do you think they are? Did you read the part of the FB arc where he basically answers "meh, whatever" when Keigo asks him about his future plans? ICHIGO HAS NO DRIVE TO DO ANYTHING BUT PROTECT THE PEOPLE CLOSE TO HIM AND BE A SHINIGAMI. Seriously, did you read the manga at all?
29. When As Nodt cast fear on Rukia, and Ichigo appeared three times, umm…so what? Orihime appeared at least twice, as did Byakuya. Remember, she fought alongside Ichigo for a long time, so many of her memories would, obviously, contain him. But in the flashback, there was no significance to him appearing 3 times. I counted twice for Byakuya, twice for Inoue, one of Renji, too.
I don't see any Renji. I will say that her thoughts aren't romantic but about something else, but I do find it amusing how hard you are trying to deny it.
Truly, does it sound like love? I don’t see it. Never had, never did, never will.
It does, and it would to you too if you read the manga with your eyes and not your ass.
They are more like siblings, and it’s BECAUSE they are not romantic that their bond is unique. If you paired them up, it’s as cliche, boring, generic and mudane as any other guy meets-girl situation.
You are wrong. I've already debunked the siblings nonsense, but their bond will always be unique, whether it is romantic or not. The cliched pairing would be IchiOri.
Also, their characters would be VERY OOC. As Rukia stated, she hates saying sappy things like, “We’re (Renji/Rukia) you’re nakama, Ichigo. Don’t make me say such a pathetic thing again.”
You have a very limited understand of their characters. In fact Rukia has plenty of "sappy" moments, which you would know if you actually read the manga. But in any case, they would not necessarily become "sappy" in the way you are thinking.
That aside, Rukia has never shown any romantic interest in him, and vice versa. All her blushing has come from Byakuya, after their relationship improved. Also, Rukia is pyshically and verbally abusive towards Ichigo ALL THE TIME. Whether he’s injured or not doesn’t matter to her. I’m sorry, but I don’t think anyone would want to be with someone who could smack you and verbally abuse you at the drop of a hat.
"Physically and verbally abusive" you literally do not understand their characters at all. Ichigo CHEERS UP when Rukia does those things. And if you think she is "abusive," then what do you think of Isshin, who kicks Ichigo around all the time, too? Learn to read manga before you make these ridiculous arguments.
On Ichigo’s part, too, he frequently resorts to verbally lashing out at her, like he did with Hiyori, Nel (when they first met), Lisa and a few other females, but NOT with Orihime, Tatsuki or his sisters. Where does that put her, Rukia, exactly? If they were dating, I doubt that would change on Ichigo’s part, and what person would want to be with someone like that?
Ichigo treats every friends differently. He yells at Tatsuki sometimes, too, but never at Orihime, much like he never yells at Chad. He also is really gentle with Nel when she is not antagonizing him. Anyway, the argument that Ichigo finds Rukia annoying is laughable. You don't understand Bleach. At all.
Also, the constant denial and rebuttels on both their sides more than shows they are NOT romantically interested in each other, beyond their PLATONIC friendship. Ichigo and Rukia are also rather oblivious to the feelings of other around them, like Renji and Orhime. And I suspect Rukia knows that Orihime likes Ichigo. Why would she EVER choose to hurt her friend? She wouldn’t. And she also would not want to hurt Renji, either.
If Rukia and Ichigo love one another, they will be together and none of their friends will try to stop them. Orihime and Renji aren't entitled to have their feelings returned. It would be they who would be the bad friends if they tried to stop two people who mutually like one another from being together for their own selfish reasons.
It would just wreck their characters, and ruin the unqiueess of their bond.
Only in your imagination.
Plus, the fandom of Ichiruki is filled with some of the most unkind, unpleasant, persons I have ever met. P.S.S It is not the ship itself I dislike, but the fandom of IR’s. I’m just gonna tell you now, most of the people who dislike Ichiruki dislikes it because of how unkind you Ichiruki shippers are.
Every fandom has bag eggs. That doesn't have anything to do with the pairing. But that much is obvious, as your arguments are all so easy to poke holes in. It's obvious that the reason you don't think IchiRuki will be canon is based on what you WANT and not what you SEE.
Anyway, that is my (very long) point of why I do not ship Ichiruki, and why I believe it will never happen. It;s one of the dumbest romantic ships in Bleach, but one of the best platonic, friendship bonds in manga.
You are free to ship what you want, but you are in for a very rude awakening wrt IchiRuki when the manga ends.