OK, finally some time to update the last few weeks. 2 weeks ago i was in Detroit with the ever lovely Diana, and of course we had awesome times as these pictures will tell you...
Detroit knows its AIDS
Take THAT you!
What the hell!?1?
Me versus Joe Louis' 5 million pound fist of true vengeance
Diana Monkey screeches:" SOY OI OI OI!"
Yesterday marked my final day in the classroom, I am officially done with my degree. This is a monumental moment in my life and I'm just happy it's over and more importantly that I owe no Educational Institution a penny.
Next week starts my venture as the full time restaurant manager. Eight years and I have seen it all at this place. Who would have known that the 15 year old kid that washed dishes until midnight would rise up and run this place. I am excited to finnally have the decision making abilities and also the confidence of Gerry to run the place and contribute ideas into really turning that restaurant into a behemoth to devour the competition.
Now that I am done with school and can get back into them. I recently got a nintendo DS and it is such an amazing machine! People are always amazed when they see how the thing works. The games and ideas that nintendo has churned out truly show that they are the leaders in the industry when it comes to innovation.
This is getting old
Sean moved out becuase he can't deal with life, thats ok though, we now have Pauline as a roomate. The situation at the apartment is infinitly better.