Okay, here we go.
thevelvetsun wanted to know
how I did the coloring of my Frank-icons which I've posted
* with Photoshop CS3
* using Selective Coloring, Curves, Color Balance & Levels
1. Prepare your base. I used Frankie Iero again and of course. xD
I'm used to sharpen my icons at the end (if necessary), so I didn't do anything than cropping the base.
2. Duplicate your base and set it to Screen on 100 - 90%, so that we can see a little more Frankster-beauty.
3. Then create a new Hue/Saturation-Layer and set the Saturation@+15 on Master.
4. Create a new Selective Color-Layer. The settings should be around this:
C: +08
M: -04
Y: -15
B: -05
C: -14
M: -13
Y: -03
B: +19
C: +11
M: -01
Y: -08
Play around a little.
5. Now we need a Levels-Layer to make everything a little brighter. My settings were 15 | 1,20 | 239.
6. Color Balance, Color Balance, because I don't like the grayish background.
C/R: -12
M/G: -03
Y/B: -02
C/R: -03
M/G: +05
Y/B: +04
C/R: +05
M/G: -04
Y/B: -03
7. And another Selective Color-layer. We're done soon. Promised. Bring it to:
C: -06
M: +04
C: +09
M: +01
Y: -04
B: +05
8. And last but not least a Curves-Layer.
First: O/35 I/45
Second: O/207 I/208
I sharpened the base-layer, merged all layers down and that's it:
Add text or a texture or whatever comes to your mind. ;D
Other icons made with the same technique:
x I would love to see your results! =)
x Feel free to ask if you have any questions.