Got my results for my masters - pass with distinction. Hoo-har. A lot of hassle, but worth it in the end. Many thanks to all those who helped out with support and advice during it.
I am now a month into a new project, working as systems designer on a project for the MoD. All going well: its good to be back on a project again, and the team is small (pre-contract) but effective. Trying to understand how to combine SOA theory (as studied in my dissertation) with using COTS products in the real world: not as easy as the text books make out. But its involving talking to customers, suppliers and the rest of the project team, and is all good stuff. Lots of interesting things happening within BT at the moment from a technical perspective: they're trying an IBM style make-over into services having seen the threat posed by things like Skype and Google etc., which looks promising. So having neglected my career for two and a bit years, I am now going to concentrate on that. I am quickly discovering the power of having a good network of contacts, especially in a systems design role were you need to know things in a lot of different areas.
Have settled into the house mostly. Yesterday we went and picked up Vassya (or Vasilly Koetvich Tolstychok to give him his full name) from quarantine. Tried to introduce him to the house bit by bit starting from the kitchen, but he ran into the lounge and hid behind the sofa straight away. He also tried to hide up the chimney and somehow got up it a little way, so we've been getting soot off him ever since. He's been exploring slowly, mostly when I'm around to back him up, and is a bit more confident, although still makes a mad dash for the sofa or under the bed at every strange noise. He's using his litter tray (phew), but hasn't really touched his food yet. I assume that he'll start to eat when he gets hungry, but any suggestions?
Seen a few good films recently: Grizzly Man, which Nastia promoted heavily at the party, and Good Night and Good Luck last week. Both intelligent movies so bound not to do well, but both worth seeing.
I am continuing to train for marathon, but not as much as I should. I did a three hour run on Sunday (20+ miles), and found out what the 'wall' was after 2:30. Your legs turn to lead and every step hurts a lot. Still, I could walk the next day, so reckon I should be able to get round. Did an Aquathlon a couple of weekends ago: 1K swim, 10K run. Swim was 21 mins (one of slowest) and run was 40 mins (one of the fastest). So I need to spend more time in the pool for the London Triathlon in August.
Wedding preparation goes OK: we have certificates, visas for Russian guests, venue and food, photographer and video, and Nastia got a great dress at a decent price in Monsoon on Monday, so everything looks good for the end of the month.