yay gaby. lots of fun.

Feb 25, 2006 18:33

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1) Would smily_etyer be a better ninja or pirate? pirate. she'd look hot in one of those outfits.
2) Which president would conan9845 be likely to idolize? i don't know that he would "idolize" any of the presidents. that's a pretty strong word. and by all of that i mean i have no clue.
3) One quality you find attractive in xatter? he's funny!
4) Have you ever dated krimzonstarr? nope
5) How tall is sargehalo51? near 6'....right?
6) What is kristiw16's biggest flaw? low self esteem
7) What is sargehalo51's favorite game? hunting mexicans. or halo or shadowrun.
8) Would you wrestle conan9845 in jello? lol. i guess so. he'd totally kick my ass though.
9) Would dzzybutterfly and pete_diddy make a good couple? umm. well, she's married, but if she weren't..they might actually do alright.
10) Thoughts on vincetepes? thoughts? yes. i have thoughts on him.
11) Do you think xatter is hot? i would say more loveable than hot..though i haven't talked to him in more than a year except to say happy birthday.
12) Would you make out with vincetepes? would i? yes. have i? yes. how about asking me a question not everyone on the planet knows the answer to? lol.
13) Do thebluegolem and xatter go to the same school? nope.
14) What languages does dzzybutterfly speak? maybe a little spanish?
15) Do you have a crush on sargehalo51? yup.
16) pete_diddy's eye color? good lord, you'd think i could answer this. i'm going to guess hazel. but i don't know. i'm really bad with things like that. i don't know if i could name any one of my friends' eye colors.
17) When did you last call thebluegolem? after i got a voicemail from him telling me to come get my driver's license.
18) pete_diddy's hair color? yay red.
19) Have you flirted with pete_diddy? sure.
20) Would you set up smily_etyer and rwaownerbrett? um. maybe. they have similar values, but i don't think it would work..since she's in love with dave and all.
21) What is dreamer412's favorite color? blue
22) How long would azhrei dating sxphnplyr last? haha. good lord that is awesome. i don't know but it would be a blast while it lasted.
23) If kristiw16 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? kent. lol.
24) What flavor of jello would dreamer412 be? lime?
25) Is smily_etyer popular? she is in my book.
26) Is sargehalo51 a high school student? um no.
27) One thing you can't stand about krimzonstarr? he didn't come to the last party.
28) Is jadesblade friends with sargehalo51? not really, they only met once..like a year ago.
29) What is xatter's favorite food? no idea. but jim and i both like matt's mom's cooking...a lot.
30) What word best describes jadesblade? i feel unqulaified to answer this question as i don't know how i could "best" describe her when i don't know her that well. i guess i'd have to say complainer? but only because everytime i read her posts..she's complaining about work.
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