I just learned today that
Wisdom Tree is still alive and kicking. For those of you who don't know, these are the people that made it possible for you to throw baby Moses into the Nile in "Bible Adventures" on your Nintendo Entertainment System, shoot animals with food pellets from the comfort of the Wolfenstein 3D engine in the cult classic "Super
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Comments 11
That game was awesome. But I could never get past one part...don't remember what it was...I think there was a glitch or something and I couldn't get (who was it?) to put all the sheep in the pen at the top of the mountain.
Did you hear about the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky?
I use that phrase so many times and no one else giggles like I do. Or you did. It makes for a sad Nikki. I mean sometimes someone will have a smirk, but the full "Crazy Christians" and the entities that it represents will never fully be known by anyone who hasn't visited Dinosaur Adventure Land, been attacked by well...Crazy Christians in the bible belt who don't let boys and girls live together AND were subjected to above mentioned's "Sin detector" and Ruston's Christian Radio Stations O'Doom.
Sometimes I wonder what the fun in mocking religion is when it does such an excellent job stabbing itself in the face. Then I remember why. For the children. For the future of all people. To seek a future where we are all bad enough dudes to rescue the president from ninjas, in a world where the president is worth rescuing.
Unrelated..my mom decided to clean a junk drawer and developed 22 rolls of film. My graduation, that vacation we took in 2004, one Christmas at my grandma's in Buras. Jeremy's mother fucking kindergarten graduation. I told her she wasn't allowed to have junk drawers or film anymore.
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