DAMN IT!!!! i have to stay after tomorrow to make up a spanish exam!!!! oh well kim's gonna be there with me so thats good. so today i played the sims n watched sum tv n listen to music.
yeah so today i went to the dentist n i got 2 drilled. on the same tooth! it only toook like 45mins! yeah so then i came home n rented GOTHIKA with hallie berry i think... so i can watch it lata with kim n heather.. mom wouldnt let me texas chainsaw massacre! STUPID MOM!!!!! oh well. i was numb till bout 11:30.
yep today was skool but im not tellin u bout it.... hey i have a question.... should this be friends only again??? im thinkin bout making it freinds only again... but im not sure so comment to tell me what ya think
so yesturday was skool... not tellin u bout it. umm i guess today im hangin out wit kim,keith n then lata at night we might go with her to get her bass n to a cd store! yay! its gonna be fun times if we go!